‘Who is in charge right now?’ – IOTW Report

‘Who is in charge right now?’

Calls to depose GOP leadership mount.

mconnell boehner

WashingtonExaminer: For the first time, GOP leadership is very nervous that House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, could be deposed. Conservative disappointment with the Republican leadership on a host of issues from the Iran deal, to federal funding for Planned Parenthood, to the failure to secure a budget, have left some members openly calling for the leadership’s removal.

“Time for new congressional leadership,” Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich. tweeted Saturday. He added: GOP leaders “in Congress refuse to listen to regular Americans.”

GOP leaders “don’t follow their own party platform,” former Sen. Jim DeMint, who now heads up the conservative Heritage Foundation, said Sunday. “Things that were mainstay 10 years ago [like] balancing the budget, limited government, getting rid of cronyism, [are] now called radical or far right.”  MORE

18 Comments on ‘Who is in charge right now?’

  1. The only reason they are nervous is the significant reduction of campaign contributions to the National Republican Congressional Committee. The PACs and special interest groups continue to contribute, the “little” people such as myself, not only refuse to fund the NRCC, but give them a reasoned and vehement ear full as to why.

    boehner needs to step aside immediately. He can take mcCONnell with him. Both are symptoms of a fatal disease infecting the GOP.

  2. Sadly, mediocre GOP reps and senators all think Boenhaid and Conny are the only ones qualified for their positions. It is true. So the cure is flush the lot out. Until we get some non-inbred, non-brainwashed Reps and Senators elected, its headed down the toilet with superflush speed.

  3. The RNC has been sending me more and more desperate snail mail. This is after I’ve stopped answering their calls. The latest two were the final straw. One stated on the envelope: “Past Due”! The other one essentially said that I OWED THEM for bringing us a Republicuck [sic] Congressional majority.

    Oh, you should see the e-mail and snail-mail letter I sent in response. You all can imagine. I told Rancid Prius [sic] to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine. If he wants mo’ money, call Rove, the Koch’s, the Chamber of Commerce or the Presidenté de Méjico.

    “I don’t have a dime to spare,
    Until Republicucks grow a pair!”

  4. i am constantly dismayed that these politicians can earn the opportunity to lead but then CHOOSE to fail, capitulate. They are given the opportunity to shine, they chose to douse their light. They turncoat. They go Benedict Arnold. They FEAR. They are pussies. And their senate/house followers fear to lead also, and elect more Benedicts.

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