Who is paying Michael Avenatti? – IOTW Report

Who is paying Michael Avenatti?


Dianny over at Patriot Retort has a theory and it would be hysterically funny, if it is true.

I have 2 guesses-
1. Hillary is paying. Well, not directly, you see. Because she carries no wallet in her purse. Just hot sauce
2. Avenatti is using the money he should have paid to the IRS for taxes owed, commercial lawsuits, stiffing landlords, to pay for travel expenses, cheap blonde hair extensions, and conflict-free rhinestone encrusted pasties. And if you saw her alleged pupils on the alleged 60 Minutes interview, he may allegedly be supplying her with alleged coke, too. Allegedly. 🤪

What do you think? Who’s paying?

30 Comments on Who is paying Michael Avenatti?

  1. Let’s see, Stormy can sure throw her legs higher and wider than any other recent skank in the news. I suspect Kill and Bill are paying and taking it out in trade.

  2. Hillary ain’t giving a single buck to somebody Slick might have boned. Not for any reason. Now, Slick might be paying Stormy on the side in a secret deal, but I don’t think he gives a damn anymore.

  3. Justin Trudeau because he has the hots for Avenatti
    and thinks this will get his chocolate starfish tickled.

    Naaah. It’s DJT in one of his brilliant and totally unexpected ploys to further provoke the TDS-plagued resistance into wasting their time, money, and energy on bullshit that not only fails to help achieve their goal but also makes any other efforts of theirs even more laughable than they would be otherwise.

  4. Soros, through any of endless fronts and cutouts.

    Ace of Spades site has a link to Avenatti having worked repeatedly as a Dem operative for Rahm Emanuel ias far back as law school.
    So yeah, Avenatti’s a known quantity, just another Dem paid agent of The Resistance.

  5. Stormy, aka tempest in a teapot, is the useful idiot on the left, just like Cindy Sheehan was many years ago..there’s no shortage of ‘useful idiots’for The left..

  6. John McCain is using some of his wife’s money to get one last knife in Trump’s back. He would have delivered this story to Comey, but he’s not at his old address.

  7. Since apparently, Mueller’s team is leaking evidence (emails, etc) to Avenatti, this would lend credence to the theory that Trump is funding it. The perfect scheme to find out what Mueller has, and who is leaking. 3D chess, indeed.


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