Who Is Sara Biden?  – IOTW Report

Who Is Sara Biden? 

Joe’s Sister-In-Law Emerges as Central Figure in Foreign Cash Deals.

Daily Signal:

Trouble has followed Sara Catherine Jones since she married into the Biden family almost three decades ago.

Not long after her 1995 wedding to Jim Biden, she took a job with one of his brother Joe’s Senate donors, who later accused her of “fraud” and “unjust enrichment,” according to court records reviewed by RealClearInvestigations.

In the years since, she and her husband have been accused of reneging on debts and failing to pay their taxes, court and property records show. Like their nephew, first son Hunter Biden, they have reportedly sold the promise of access to their powerful relative to companies, several of which have gone bankrupt, some of which are tied to foreign countries hostile to the United States.

Now, Sara Jones Biden has emerged as a key figure in the mushrooming Biden foreign influence-peddling scandal.

GOP lawmakers seek to question the 64-year-old licensed attorney as part of their investigation of President Joe Biden for possible impeachable offenses, including bribery. They are especially interested in subpoenaed bank records that include almost a quarter million dollars in checks Sara Biden wrote to her brother-in-law Joe, conspicuously marking them as “loan repayment.” Republicans want to ask her about the origin of those loans and whether checks “were funded by Biden influence-peddling schemes with China.”

“The Committees require you to provide details of these payments and other related matters,” the chairmen of the House Oversight and Judiciary committees said in a joint letter they sent to her last month demanding she make herself available for a transcribed interview. In addition, they sent a subpoena to her husband for testimony and information.

Although Hunter and Jim Biden’s questionable business dealings—and their possible blessing from the president—are drawing increasing scrutiny, Sara Biden has drawn little attention until now. But court records and other documents show she has been a central player in the Biden family business for decades. They show how her and her husband’s desire for a lifestyle they could not quite afford has repeatedly led them to form relationships with shady figures and enterprises that often ended in lawsuits and even criminal investigations.

Looming over it all is Joe Biden. Documents recently obtained by government watchdog America First Legal, under a Freedom of Information Act request, reveal that Sara and Jim’s main business, the Lion Hall Group, shows up in more than 3,735 emails generated by the former Vice President Biden’s office.

The sheer volume of communications concerning his brother and sister-in-law’s business appears to contradict Biden’s repeated claims over the years that he was never involved in, or even aware of, his family’s business dealings. MORE

12 Comments on Who Is Sara Biden? 

  1. These greedy,grifting diabolical narcissists seem to be bungling airheads…. Who is the “BRAINS” of the bidet crime family?

  2. We’ll know we are getting close to the real puppet master of the biden clan, when the peripheral players start coming up “suicided” of “fatal accidented”

    She may be the first?

  3. Start out with a letter. If that doesn’t work, follow up with a sternly worded letter. If that doesn’t work send another letter stating that you really mean it this time.

  4. The FBI is part of Biden’s Praetorian Guard – some, or all, involved are getting paid. The IRS should be looking into the tax records and bank statements of all the FBLiars who have touched on President Trump, or who looked the other way rather than at the Bidens.

    Traitors, all. The Bidens have been corrupt since the 70s and no one with any authority seems to GAF. Curiouser and curioser.

    The vaunted “investigative reporters” of the corrupt media should be examined, as well.

    Yeah, I know … shit in one hand and wish in the other …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The Biden crime organization isn’t particularly bright, but like Hillary Clinton, they simply exploit an honor system in our country and are happy to betray our country for a few bucks. If they had great brains, they’d never be caught – like that smarter rat McConnell.


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