Who is surprised?: CDC Announce Prior COVID Test Nasal Swabs Used for Genomic Sequencing – IOTW Report

Who is surprised?: CDC Announce Prior COVID Test Nasal Swabs Used for Genomic Sequencing

Oh dear, it would certainly have been better if the CDC stated the “genomic sequencing” was for the virus.

All your swab data have been sold to the highest bidder. Where’s your cut?

12 Comments on Who is surprised?: CDC Announce Prior COVID Test Nasal Swabs Used for Genomic Sequencing

  1. While I was waiting to pick up my grandson at school i was listening to the radio and a commercial came on describing the warning signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clots) and what to do if you start showing those symptoms. The commercial warned that this could be dangerous and even fatal. This was sponsored by our friends at Pfizer.

  2. Government is not and never can be superior
    of the people.
    When gov’t dictates or is inanswerable to the people
    it is illegitimate and open to overthrow
    Gov’t exists only by consent of its governed !
    No imposed gov’t will have unlimited unbridled
    criminal force forever

  3. I get my health care, if you can call it that these days, at the VA. I’m sure they stole my DNA long ago. Also, they sent me a survey recently for a radiology visit and one of the questions was(paraphrased), ‘Do you trust the VA to provide appropriate health care.’ I said NO. So I guess I’ll be on another watch list. LOL

  4. They are trying to normalize blood clots, strokes and heart attacks in children now. And a new drug for blood clots in children was approved right at the time they went after the 5-11’s.

    And good old ronny is the one that gave murder inc. total indemnity for their poison and the green light to needle rape kids more and more and more.

  5. One of the prerequisites for me to visit my latest grandchild last year, was that I be tested… I explained to my son that I was not (and have not been through the entire dempanic) sick and refused to play along with the mass psychosis… I have yet to meet my grandson who will be a year old in a few months.


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