Who is worse? Chuck Todd or Jim Acosta? – IOTW Report

Who is worse? Chuck Todd or Jim Acosta?

BPR: Legal scholar Jonathan Turley slammed NBC News’ Chuck Todd for airing a “false narrative” in the misleading quote of White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

The George Washington University law professor called out the “Meet the Press” host who “knowingly played a false gotcha clip” in a move that he deemed worse than the one by CNN’s Jim Acosta, who came under heavy fire for tweeting an out-of-context quote from McEnany.

Quoting former Stanford Medical Center neurology chief Dr. Scott Atlas, McEnany had addressed reporters on President Trump’s stand on getting children back into classrooms, saying that “the science should not stand in the way of this.” But, as Turley pointed out, that quote by the press secretary which was used in Acosta’s tweet to mock her, “was artificially clipped to leave the diametrically opposite impression from what actually said.”

25 Comments on Who is worse? Chuck Todd or Jim Acosta?

  1. Doesn’t the FCC have some sort of part in making sure that the “news” as published to day is not deliberately manipulated to portray a lie as the truth?

  2. Since I see Acosta far more than Todd, I’ll go with Acosta. Nonetheless both are sniveling pricks. I swear sometimes Todd looks like he’s got a lemon stuffed up his ass.

    The beat downs by the President on Acosta, especially during the ’16 campaign, deserve a Hall of Fame all to themselves. Free popcorn and “Let’s Ride Again-.35″(ala Riverview Park) signs after each showing would guarantee a year round packed house.

  3. Tuck Choad is worse, because he gets a platform and a veneer of credibility from tired establishment hacks like Hugh Hewitt, who is influential among older people that actually vote.

    Acosta is just a lightweight, preening douchebag who everyone, left or right, knows is there to throw drama queen hissy fits, and he’s so soy that when he shoves a woman, everyone just laughs and shrugs it off.

  4. Hmmm … Bleeding Piles or Hemorrhoids?

    Hmmm … National Socialism or Inter-National Socialism?

    Hmmm … Death by Hanging or Death by Electrocution?

    Hmmm … Sex with HRC or Sex with Whoopie Goldberg?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Both are exceptional dingleberries but I have to give the win to Acosta. He has proven time and time again when it comes to being an ideological mental midget….He is all by himself in his incompetency.

  6. I’ll add my own distinctions without a contextual difference:

    — horse shit or bull shit?
    — blow flies or trichinosis?
    — stage IV lung cancer or pancreatic cancer?
    — Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist, or Maoist?
    — stupid or dumb?

  7. @CC — No, that was a great answer! We could sell what comes out of the chipper chute to the Chinese as marmot kidney sausage. Tell them it will make their penises bigger. They pay good money for that!

  8. Todd. Hands down. Complete flack 100% of the time.

    Grills and slanders Republicans. Banned Kelly Conway from coming on his show. Sucks the prosthetic phallus stapled onto Democrats who go on his show. Only invites weirdo D List MSNBC personalities as commentators.

    Acosta just a selfaggrandizing joke. Todd sits on Meet The Press.

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