Who Knew? Shaquille O’Neal Has the Solution to America’s Gas Problem – IOTW Report

Who Knew? Shaquille O’Neal Has the Solution to America’s Gas Problem

PJM: Who knew all our high-priced gasoline problems were solved a few years ago by none other than the NBA’s own Shaquille O’Neal? It’s true.

While surfing around on GETTR, I came across this hilarious gem of a video clip from 2018. It turns out that according to the laws of Shaq Math, those of us filling up our tanks—including his TNT Inside the NBA colleagues Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith, and Charles Barkley— have been doing it wrong all along.

It all began when Smith told the panel about the time O’Neal gave him an education. “I told him I didn’t want to get a certain vehicle because of the amount of gas [money] I would have to spend,” Smith explained. “It cost like $80 to fill it up.”

And what was Shaq’s response to Smith’s declaration? Well, it seems if we don’t ever let our gas tanks get that low, we’ll actually save money. Much to the panel’s bemusement and amusement, the straight-faced O’Neal replied, “When it gets to half [a tank], you put $20 in it and bring it back to full.” Huh.

“But I would have to stop off,” said Smith.”I’d have to spend $80″ in the end. “No, no you wouldn’t,” said O’Neal. “You’re complaining about when it gets to zero you spend $80, right? When it gets to half, you put $20 and it gets back to half you put $20.” more here

28 Comments on Who Knew? Shaquille O’Neal Has the Solution to America’s Gas Problem

  1. That reminds me of some video on youtube.

    The father asks his retarded children, “You have traveled 60 miles in an hour at a constant speed. What was your speed in miles per hour?”

    I remember the shitbomb math stuff when I was retarded (I’m STILL retarded).

    A locomotive 4-8-8-4 leaves loaves at Leavenworth at 6:13, ante meridiem, and travels west at 64 Newton Meters per Longitude, and a Spitfire aeroplane, with 12 cylinders, going 369 knots is traveling east from London Bridge, AZ takes on water and coal at Lake Havasu…

  2. Loco
    Yea, Shaq gives away a lot of money and avoids recognition for it. A couple weeks ago he embarrassed the hell out of some MSNBC info babe about the mask mandate. It was fun to watch.

  3. Shaq’s math is pretty shady, but what he probably was getting at was don’t let your gas tank get too low. Budget and keep track of how much you’re spending on gas.
    Might have something to do with less wear and tear on the engine…or something like that. Saving money should be the result. Shaq has the right idea, but math is not his forte. LOL.

  4. Not what he said, Max. He’s just saying put $20 in when you get to 1/2 tank. Never said it would be full.

    That would be about 60 miles for me these days. I would have to stop and put $20 in two to three times a day on an average day. Plus waste my time.

    This reminds me of some dummy that sent a chain email back when gas prices rose in the late 90s or early 2000s – I forget.

    They wanted to only put in just a few dollars worth at a time to show those evil gas stations who’s boss. The stations! Not the producers of the fuel that set the prices.

    Never figuring in all the extra mileage of stopping for gas 3-4 times a day and the time lost doing it. They would actually be buying more gas that way.

    They really thought they had a handle on the situation. If only everyone agreed to do it! This is, apparently, a standard of lib idiocy.

    I told them if they really wanted to stick it to them they should stop driving and either walk everywhere or ride a bicycle. Wasn’t surprised the libs couldn’t see what the result of their actions would be. Typical.

  5. I swear I know people who believe the “Fill the tank when its half full to use less gas” theory.

    It seems to be a misinterpretation of mechanics advice to:

    1) Never let your Fuel pump “suck Air”

    2) Older vehicle gas guages tend to Pass the “F” by a little bit when topped right up, and they take a bit of driving to start showing consumption. (the float hits the top of the range & stops registering consumption until the fuel level drops a bit)

    The neighbour asked me to check the resistance values on his electronic send unit and it displayed a tendency to not change values as much at the top of the range. (he said by design)

  6. Research METHANE HYDRATE, frozen natural gas. It’s a Slushee like substance that lays on the ocean floor all over the world. It’s estimated to have more energy than oil, coal, and natural gas combined. Cheap, clean burning, and no OPEC!

  7. I’ve got the solution to America’s gas problem. Hang every politician in DC and “drill baby drill”! Easy! It’s the implementation that’s the hard part. Presumably the DC politicians would be against being hung even more than they’re against drilling for oil.


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