WHO Official Promotes Conspiracy Theory Website to Bolster China’s Coronavirus Disinformation Campaign – IOTW Report

WHO Official Promotes Conspiracy Theory Website to Bolster China’s Coronavirus Disinformation Campaign

WFB: A top World Health Organization official promoted a report from a website that traffics in conspiracy theories to bolster China’s false claim that the communist regime was the first to report the existence of the coronavirus.

WHO communications director Gabby Stern tweeted on Monday false claims that “Taiwan never provided any warning” to the organization “about the novel coronavirus or its transmissibility.” Her tweet linked to an article published by the fringe website The Grayzone. The site is run by Max Blumenthal, the son of Hillary Clinton confidante Sidney Blumenthal. Max Blumenthal is known for his pro-Iran, anti-Israel stance, and his website routinely publishes conspiracy theories that adopt China’s false rhetoric about the coronavirus pandemic. more

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