Who owns border death truck tragedy? MEXICO! – IOTW Report

Who owns border death truck tragedy? MEXICO!

Michelle Malkin: 

Florida truck driver James Matthew Bradley isn’t the mastermind of the human smuggling ring that led to the grisly deaths of 10 illegal immigrants in his rig, which authorities found at a San Antonio Walmart over the weekend.



He’s just a cog in the machine.

Bradley may now face the death penalty for transporting up to 100 people crammed in the trailer of his 18-wheeler. But what about the open-borders overlords making a real killing off this insatiable racket?

I’m looking at you, America-bashing corruptocrats in Mexico.

For years, our nation has been subjected to endless complaints, race-baiting insults and vicious attacks by politicians south of the border.

Former Mexican President Felipe Calderon trashed our immigration laws on U.S. soil before the California state legislature.

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox dropped F-bombs at President Trump and millions of law-abiding Americans who support construction of an effective border wall.    more here


11 Comments on Who owns border death truck tragedy? MEXICO!

  1. I hate Mexico. Not Mexicans. Mexico.

    We could not do much worse for a neighbor. From an endemic culture of corruption, Mexico has taken full advantage of the US on all fronts. They’ve beaten us on NAFTA, immigration, have dumped their poverty, drugs, criminals, and sick north of their border for us to manage.

    Shame on us sucking up to the PC culture that has allowed this to happen over the decades. And what president has pushed back until Trump came along to represent the frustrations of the victimized? None!

    To rub salt into our economic and cultural wounds created by a “country” so “on the take” at all levels by having the unmitigated gall to criticize US policies, fly the race card high, fan the open border flames, etc. is beyond nauseating.

    Ulysses Grant felt that the Civil War was God’s retribution for annexing the northern part of Mexico. Mr. Grant, you were so wrong. Had we not driven into the west and pushed them southward, we would have an even bigger corrupted shit-hole to deal with, and a much greater wall.

    Mexico, a hearty FUCK YOU, and thanks for absolutely nothing.

  2. Leave it to the national treasure, Mrs. Malkin, to bring to light the cold, hard facts about this tragedy and remind us who is truly at fault. If only the spineless authorities would condemn Mexico and force it to take responsibility. Starting with paying the medical bills on these invaders who are nothing but co-conspirators in this criminal act against our sovereignty.

  3. If Trump can get a well functioning wall in place then halt the flow of “remittences” back to Mexico unless it can be proved to come from a legal immigrant or citizen, Mexico would collapse into anarchy. Perhaps the fire of a real people’s revolution would cleanse the country of the corruption and decay that’s overtaken it and turned it into a infectious cesspool of crime, murder, slavery and any sin a person can think of.



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