Who really puts out the fake – and one-sided – news? – IOTW Report

Who really puts out the fake – and one-sided – news?

The ‘Big Lie’ About Fox News.


[…] You have probably heard that we all listen to the news that we want to hear and that because of that our respective opinions get hardened because we never hear an opposing view. There is some truth to that but it applies a lot more to leftwing media outlets than it does to the conservative ones. It’s an asymmetrical argument, and here is the reason why: Conservatives are bombarded every day with the liberal point of view if they go to the movies, if they watch network television or listen to Public Radio or Public Television, even Sesame Street. If they view any of the major news channels or read almost any newspaper, such as the Minneapolis StarTribune, the New York Times, the Washington Post, or even magazines like Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, Time and National Geographic, they are getting the Left’s view of the world.

The Fox News channel, a major source of news for conservatives, also features liberal points of view. It does so by featuring liberal anchors like Juan Williams and Chris Wallace, liberal and leftwing guests, liberal regulars like Democrat strategists Jessica Tarlov, Donna Brazile, Leslie Marshall and Mary Ann Marsh. It also gives respectful platforms to radicals and Democrats like Bernie Sanders, Amy Klobuchar, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and it replays clips from what has been broadcast on liberal channels.

In addition to being bombarded by liberal television, newspapers, magazines and movies, conservatives get a big dose of liberal thinking on Fox News. For example, The Tucker Carlson Show is on for an hour, five days a week, and Tucker has mostly liberal guests. Nothing, to my knowledge, occurs like that on any of the liberal channels. read more

10 Comments on Who really puts out the fake – and one-sided – news?

  1. I watched FOX faithfully from it’s very beginning and I have noticed the distinct left turn of this channel. The increased hiring of outrageous and lying liberal scum to the payroll and phony conservatives on the board. Never Trumpers like Brit and Bret, the insufferable twits like on Media Buzz, the raging progressive Wallace and others. At this time, they’re pushing the corona virus panic button at every turn. I switched to One America News last year and never looked back. Too bad. Fox was great when it was conservative. But…oh well….. Buh-bye.

  2. I actually like when the libs are allowed to spout on Fox. Especially Carlson. It fully exposes them. Like turning the light in cockroaches.

    It exposes that they are puppets and not nice at all. Look how Donna Brazile exposes her true self. When they reach the end of their liberal allowed vocabulary or indoctrinated speeches, “You can just go to hell!”

    But I do confess that I cannot take them, unbridled, on their own shows, on Fox, because that is way too many lies and too much much hate without fight back.

    I quit watching Fox because of shep smith. That ass was not just an idiot, he was rude and pompous and his ignorance was formidable. I am not a fan of Juan or Donna, but I do like to listen to them just to combat what I think of as The Fox Indoctrination.

    One thing I really hate: the constant Fox News Alert, spouted all over the place, displayed everywhere. Hell, there isn’t a news ALERT 24/7. There maybe news, but alerts are for tornadoes, hurricanes, other items needing immediate attention in order to act in defense.

  3. This WuHuFlu bullshit has given me a new perspective on Fox News.
    The 24/7 fear mongering for market share is disgustingly apparent.
    I have tried to watch OAN, but there’s just something about their production techniques that I can’t seem to tolerate.
    My best source of news is sites like IOTW, Blazing Cat Fur, 90 Miles From Tyranny, Knuckledragging My Life Away, and The Woodpile Report.
    It takes me about an hour every morning to go through them, and very often, I have news about something about three days before it hits Fox.

  4. “The thing to remember about fox news is that that rino rat paul ryan is on the board.”

    Be that as it may, Phox Nooz went to sh*t long before that. Look at some of the “gems” they’ve hired over the years. Juan Williams, first as a contributor then as a direct hire to the tune of a cool million a year (for starters) after NPR canned his @ss.. Bill Kristol was also a paid contributor. Shep Smith, Jehmu Green, Sally Kohn, Neil Cavuto (yeah, he’s a condescending hack), Marie Harf, Jessica Tarlov, Donna Brazile. Sure, there’s some good reporting there by Tucker Carlson among a few others but I can watch their highlights on news blogs w/o listening to the other hyperventilated drivel Phox dispenses.

  5. If you like your propaganda straight, I guess there are other outlets. My impression is that Fox is actually trying to be a “news” outlet in a world where nobody recognizes “news.” Chanting to the choir is easier and more profitable, as the Networks have learned, but there’s still something to be said for integrity, honesty, and facts, at least for those who still regard them as important.
    Fox and OAN (though I still haven’t watched it except rarely on YouTube) seem to be the only Network-type outlets attempting to convey something other than socialist/nihilist/totalitarian propaganda.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The inability of the Left to compete on Talk Radio was
    the canary in that particular coal mine concerning who
    can deal with truth to the satisfaction of an open forum, logic demanding audience.

  7. Funny how after trump started complaining about the way “Faux News” was reporting on his administration the suddenly changed their on air banner phrase from “We report…you decide” to “Everyone’s listening to Fox news”. just sayin’.

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