Who Really Started the Trump-McCain Feud? John McCain – IOTW Report

Who Really Started the Trump-McCain Feud? John McCain

American Thinker: With Senator John McCain’s recent passing, the Trump-McCain feud has heated up.  It’s really a manufactured kerfuffle, as one party is saying little, and the other party has departed from the living, no longer able to participate in the feud, except posthumously via the media.

Leave it to the media to resurrect the controversy between the late senator and the U.S. president as a means of bashing President Trump, whom the media detest.  It is also a distraction from the stock market breaking records left and right, a new and better trade deal with Mexico, a country that the media constantly tell us hates Trump and won’t do business with him, Bruce Ohr’s congressional testimony, and other news the media would prefer to ignore.

Trump has been criticized over the past four days for his response to Senator McCain’s passing.  He wasn’t personal enough, they say, even though the president appropriately tweeted, “My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain.  Our hearts and prayers are with you!”

Then the media fussed and pouted over how long the flag over the White House should be flown at half-mast.  The flag flew that way appropriately after McCain’s death, but the time period wasn’t enough.  CNN probably wants it at half-mast permanently until Trump is out of office, although another six and a half more years at half-mast might be a bit excessive.

The reality is that the flag was handled as it should have been, based on a 1954 proclamation by then President Eisenhower.

As McCain was a U.S. senator, the proclamation instructs that flags be lowered on the day of his death and the day after.  McCain passed away on Saturday, and the White House reportedly raised the flags back right around midnight overnight as Sunday ended, which would be the minimum amount of time as outlined by Eisenhower’s proclamation.

The media think they know better, as this tweet exemplifies.

Next is the funeral. Trump is being criticized for not attending, despite McCain’s request that he not attend.  Somehow, to MSNBC, honoring the request of the recently departed is crass.  How would they react if Trump showed up anyway, making the funeral about himself, rather than the senator, as Barack Obama might have done?

Resurrected is the feud from a few years ago.  Watch cable news, and the feud is all Trump’s fault.  McCain remains blameless in life and even after death.  Let’s take a look at how the feud started.

Reported in The New Yorker on July 16, 2015, a few days after a Trump campaign rally held in Phoenix, in McCain’s home state, McCain offered his displeasure over the rally.  “It’s very bad,” he said.  Going farther, “[t]his performance with our friend out in Phoenix is very hurtful to me,” McCain said.  “Because what he did was he fired up the crazies.”

SNIP: And THAT’S when the fight started.

18 Comments on Who Really Started the Trump-McCain Feud? John McCain

  1. So many adjectives to describe myself these days. Deplorable, Crazy, Racist, Hitler, Sexist, Misogynist, Stupid, and a bunch more.

    How did all these adjectives get tied to me?

    I voted.

    That should tell you all you need to know about the democrat party. And, of course, RINOs (who are democrats).

  2. I’m convinced McCain was one of those people perfectly suited to a life in politics.
    As a professional Jerk throughout his life there is no way he could have ever held down a good job in the private sector!

  3. PSA: whatever you do, DO NOT turn Fox News on right now. Just don’t. It’s nauseating. I keep looking for the table with the little gold statues on it. They don’t do this for Presidents. It’s awful. It’s like McCain was SO FRIGGIN’ BAD we must conduct a whitewash ceremony to counter the truth….

  4. I remember that and it wasn’t long after that Trump had that sit down with pollster, Luntz, and punched McCain back for his “crazies” comment by saying he likes war heroes who don’t get taken prisoner. Instead of taking it on the chin, mano a mano, McCain brought all his street punks to the rumble, then stood on the sidelines.

  5. I want to know why NO ONE in the shithole media is mentioning the fact that Sara Palin was excluded from the ‘festivities’
    He was a cheap, vindictive bastard.
    He’s had his self-planned funeral with sycophantic gushing and swipes at the President.
    Plant him and have done with it.
    I grow tired of the bullshit

  6. Anyone capable of independent thinking, and who PAID ATTENTION, knew that Johnny has been the pawn of the Bush/Rove syndicate since Keating 5. Our President is such a person. When Johnny attacked him 3.25 years ago Don (maybe wrongly) assumed it was on the Bush orders. So he attacked !(that was his new name as of 4/15) by saying Sec State Powell lied to start the war and should be in jaIl.

    This was a brilliant (probably accidental) move by Don. He went from 11 or 12 in many polls to 2 or 3. Don understood – as did all conservatives -why Yeb changed his Clan Name to ! !@#!

    But it was clear that the reason Don went after the Bush Clan was because Johnny had done a malicious ad hominem attack on Don! A completely bogus, as in FAKE NEWS, personal attack; the kind Bush/Rove had refined over 30 years.


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