Who Said This? – IOTW Report

Who Said This?

“If somebody has got a bad or offensive idea, prove it wrong. Engage it. Debate it. Stand up for what you believe in… Don’t be scared to take somebody on. Don’t feel like you got to shut your ears off because you’re too fragile and somebody might offend your sensibilities. Go at them if they’re not making any sense. Use your logic and reason and words. And by doing so, you’ll strengthen your own position, and you’ll hone your arguments. And maybe you’ll learn something and realize you don’t know everything. And you may have a new understanding not only about what your opponents believe but maybe what you believe.”

The Great Dictator – Barack Decree Obama

18 Comments on Who Said This?

  1. “I don’t think that’s how democracy works best — when we’re not even willing to listen to each other.”

    this was said by obama after he famously said, “i won”.

    what an ass.

  2. “Use your logic and reason and words.”

    Was this from when he had his TelePrompTer set up in a classroom? Nobody tells an adult to “use your words”. I stopped telling my kids to use their words when they reached first grade. But I guess he really does think we are all children.

  3. “Bad or offensive idea” = an idea different than mine. You see this all the time with the left. The immediate and 100% conviction that any disagreement is “offensive”. Then he tries to claim “logic and reason” when he had already defined ANY disagreement as an “offensive” situation. What a mess. And I’m sure it was pure teleprompter, having been written out by a group of Swarthmore, Cornell, Smith, Barnard grads. Glad to be an expat!

  4. Obamao’s Cultural Perversion meets the 50th anniversary of Mao’s Cultural Revolution today. One difference is that one led to the slaughter of millions.

  5. I’ve read about Obama’s great debating technique from his days as a “professor”. John Lott comes to speak at the U. of Chicago about his book, “More Guns, Less Crime”. Lott gets introduced to Obama, and Obama says, “I don’t think anyone should have guns.” And then turns his back on Lott.

    Obama is a full blow, non-self aware progtard piece of shit of the first order. And by “debate” he means… shouting down, violence, meltdowns, or the cold shoulder. He’s never been the least bit interested in challenging his stupid assumptions about the world.

  6. I’m kind of flabbergasted… really.

    I’ve surprisingly found two things upon which I agree with 0bama: The character of Omar Little and this.

    Now, giving advice and heeding one’s own advice is a different thing.

  7. I would gladly debate Obola and wish to share the ONLY appropriate method to debate him or any of his ilk:
    After exchanging perfunctory greetings, one swift punch to his teeth sends him back on his heels, spitting blood and looking shocked. Follow this with the smug proclamation “I won”. Then spit on the lying, fornicating, blaspheming POS and walk away from him.

    You cannot debate with a dishonest, dishonorable POS.
    It’s a TOTAL WASTE of precious time.

  8. He began his bullshit with this, “If somebody has got a bad or offensive idea, prove it wrong. Engage it. Debate it. Stand up for what you believe in…”

    From the same guy that put the IRS onto conservative groups to prevent them from engaging.

    From the same guy that didn’t tell Lois Lerner to testify.

    From the same guy that said if someone brings a knife to an argument, you bring a gun.

    From the same guy that said you punch back twice as hard.

    I don’t think he means what he’s saying. He just loves pulling our leg, what a kidder!!

  9. Someone who calls me a “flat-earther” before he even hears what I have to say doesn’t want to have a rational debate.

    Maxine Waters says I can go straight to hell, and she’s gonna help me get there.

    One of the above two Democrats I believe.

  10. I’m not surprised. The Obama that people saw in 2007 while running for the nomination and the Presidency is not the Obama that took office. His rhetoric and speeches while running had a lot of people, even some lite conservatives believing he could make a great President. I myself listened to his speeches and thought what a refreshing change coming from the Democrats. As with most dictators the change happens once in office. All you have to do is look at Chavez, Castro, Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc etc etc. Once ensconced and secure in office the real sociopath emerges.

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