Who should Trump send to the Moon? – IOTW Report

Who should Trump send to the Moon?


Trump wants to see NASA boots on the Moon.

President Donald Trump wants to see U.S. astronauts return to the Moon as a foundation for future Mars missions.

Trump signed a policy directive Monday instructing the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to “refocus America’s space program on human exploration and discovery.”

The move, Trump said, “marks an important step in returning American astronauts to the Moon for the first time since 1972 for long-time exploration.”

“This time we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprint,” he said. “We will establish a foundation for an eventual mission to Mars, and perhaps someday, to many worlds beyond.”

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23 Comments on Who should Trump send to the Moon?

  1. Bill Nelson
    He already hitched a ride on the space shuttle. Unfortunately for those of us in Florida, he rode in the one before the Challenger disaster.
    McCain, Collins, Flake, etc.

  2. Poor Lazlo!
    Send me, dammit.
    Low gravity, adjustable oxygen levels, perfect for an old guy.
    Get me a fat bastard rated space suit, a bulldozer and an endless supply of air, and some astro-turf that will stand being outside, and I will build you the best damn golf course in the solar system.
    Hole 6, par 5, 28 miles from pins to cup.


    It’s all over youtube. We can’t get past the Van Allen Belt. Any capsule you send is like sticking in a giant microwave oven. Nothing can survive.

    Did you see the press interview with Buzz Aldrin after their return? Did they look like conquering heroes, or those men ashamed to be caught up in a fraud?

  4. I wonder what they will do when it comes time to show pictures of the “previous” landing sites….since I dont think they are there. Trump is somewhat of a truther; I wonder what the deeper game he is playing with this older conspiracy. Does he want to expose the fraud? Or will they “stage” the older sites and actually go? Will it be another even more elaborate hoax? I can’t figure this one out.

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