Who to Blame When Everyone’s Vaxxed? – IOTW Report

Who to Blame When Everyone’s Vaxxed?

Cashill Asks The Obvious Question, Who Will They Blame When Everyone is Vaccinated? Waterford County, Ireland, Provides The Example.

Conservative Treehouse: A question we have been asking for several months: Who are the political officials going to blame for rising COVID infection and hospitalization rates when the vaccination rates are well over 90 percent?   What happens on a sociological scale when a vaxxed society realizes there is no magic panacea afforded by the vaccination narrative?

Author Jack Cashill takes those questions head-on in a Spectator article noting we only need to look at Waterford, Ireland, to see the dynamic where an almost completely obedient and vaccinated population of 99.7% is facing rising COVID infection rates despite their good citizenship: more here

12 Comments on Who to Blame When Everyone’s Vaxxed?

  1. They’ll blame us holdouts, of course. And if you think the Pfizer jab ad blitz is over the top now, wait until you see the Pharma blood libel ad campaign which will target us.

  2. Sorry to all that have been vaxxed, but eventually you will realize that the people who are vaccinated are the ones who are helping mutate the virus. You’ve all become human petri dishes for the deep state.

    How dare you let your guard down like you did!

  3. @ TSUNAMI OCTOBER 26, 2021 AT 2:20 PM
    Thank you! I’ve been saying this to my family for months.
    As I understand it, a virus can only mutate when replicating.
    All people that are vaxxed CAN get the virus and CAN infect others.
    Those that had the virus naturally and survived (99.8%) kill the virus when exposed within a couple of days. NO replication. No mutation.
    What that little evil Fauci, governments, the press, and social media have done is create hundreds of millions, if not billions of Typhoid Marys.
    F-ckin’ brilliant…


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