WHO To Distribute Chinese Vaccines Over U.S. Objections – IOTW Report

WHO To Distribute Chinese Vaccines Over U.S. Objections

WFB: The World Health Organization is set to buy and distribute more than 100 million doses of China’s coronavirus vaccine, against the Biden administration’s wishes.

The White House notified Congress on Monday that COVAX, the WHO’s vaccine distribution network that primarily aids poorer countries, will buy the Chinese-made vaccine, which is widely seen as less effective than the American versions. COVAX has struggled with a shortfall in available vaccines even as the United States shares millions of doses with the world. Chinese pharmaceutical companies Sinovac and Sinopharm are now in line to sell COVAX millions of doses, according to Bloomberg. The Biden administration warned COVAX against relying on the Chinese-made vaccine, and no U.S. funds will be used by the organization to complete the purchase, congressional sources told the Washington Free Beacon.

COVAX’s reliance on the Chinese-produced vaccine comes amid questions about its efficacy. China has obfuscated data on the vaccine’s effectiveness, which some studies say is just 79 percent effective in blocking COVID infections. That is lower than most of the U.S.-made vaccines, which are closer to 95 percent effective. The U.S. government has also published reams of data on vaccines to promote transparency on the issue and encourage Americans to get at least one shot. more here

12 Comments on WHO To Distribute Chinese Vaccines Over U.S. Objections

  1. …sure, I’ll let you install half your binary weapon in me after you unleashed the REASON for me to let you do so, why the hell not since I’m stupid and want to help you kill me…/s

  2. “China has obfuscated data…”

    They’re fucking rat bastard communists. Chinese are devious thieves and liars anyway, throw in communism and you’ve got Weapons Grade Evil.

    They spoon eyeballs and kidneys out of living human beings. These are the scum that elites like McConnell have sold their soul to for a cushy lifestyle. Unreal

  3. Sure, I’ll let you Chinese racists inject me with half a binary weapon out of fear of the OTHER weapon you attacked the entire planet with so you can kill me efficiently at your leisure with the other half as either a “booster” or a new engineered variant, I’m an idiot who wants to die so what the hell, sign me up…/s

  4. no U.S. funds will be used by the organization to complete the purchase, congressional sources told the Washington Free Beacon.

    ANyone who believes this is an idiot. As long as we are giving them money we are supporting ALL of their programs. Prove me wrong.

  5. Sinovac is an actual vaccine, made from dead virus. See polio and smallpox. It is not an mRNA altering quaccine. Thus it won’t kill you. Also, Fauci and Gates won’t make money on it Thus Zhou Bi Den’s handlers object and tell lies about it.

  6. The nincompoop Biden is in bed with the chicoms. His ‘protests’ are glaringly pretentious and false. Anything regarding the chicoms is perfectly fine with him and his allied group of fiends.

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