Who wears short shorts? – IOTW Report

Who wears short shorts?

Breitbart:  Teacher Pummels Woman for Wearing ‘Short Shorts’ to Little League Ball Game.

A Florida high school teacher turned violent and began repeatedly punching another woman in the face because she dared wear very short pants to a little league ball game, police say.

Clay County police arrested Terry Lee Coursey, 37, after an argument turned physical. According to police, Coursey began punching a woman because she thought her “short shorts” were inappropriate to wear at a kids baseball game, NewsJax4 reported.

The incident allegedly occurred on February 23 at 7 p.m. during a Little League baseball practice at the Orange Park Athletic Association baseball fields located in Orange Park, Florida, a near southwest suburb of Jacksonville.

A police report also noted that the victim had visible bruises and contusions on her face, forearms, and a cut on her right wrist. She also had abrasions on her shoulder, elbow, and chest. read more


29 Comments on Who wears short shorts?

  1. That’s just great, act like complete trash. Upset about shorts on a woman {OK maybe} but then brawl with another woman in front of them? So which is more offensive?

  2. Eric the Tuba, agree, there has to be more to the story…like the gal who got beat up also happens to be banging the perpetrators husband, or something. Seems a little nutsy otherwise.

  3. Hey lady – don’t watch survivor if ya don’t want to see the cheeks! The show has some good talent this cycle (wink wink if you get my drift)

    (I try not to and sometimes hope my daughter isn’t watching me watch TV)
    but I ain’t dead yet and I’ve always been attracted to women.

  4. If she had done this because the woman was wearing a MAGA or NRA hat (or a Big Fur Hat) we’da never heard about it.
    C’mon – in this day and age, if you’re offended – throw a fucking shit-fit – cry racism and/or sexism – burn up a few Police cruisers – and take the moral High-Road.

    She should have claimed that the woman called her a “nigger” or a “fag” or was “izlamo-phobic.”
    No Video – No Contest.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Apparently, the woman didn’t want to wear a ‘pussy hat’ because it would mess up her hair so she decided to show the real thing! The insane teacher belted her for leftist cultural misappropriation!

  6. Where were the men that would break it up? Oh, between the pussification of men and the ever presence of lawyers salivating at the opportunity to make a buck they sat on their hands or recorded it on their phones.

  7. Feminut. She’s got the look.

    Also jealous. She’s well-groomed, but she wanted to be the one virtually raped by all the guys.

    PS Where were the men that would break it up?

    Getting it all on vid.

  8. Maybe the victim told teach to stop raping her son or vice versa because

    Just practicing applying the rules we as men have had to live under for a while – kinda digging it.

  9. She probably had a son on the team and was planning a strategy. She was going to stand in sight of the opponent’s batters and do a little dance to distract them.

  10. I don’t know, a LOT of women who wear shorts really shouldn’t. Let’s see the “victim” before judging. By the way, perp has serious RBF going on there.


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