Who Were the Mueller Report’s Hired Guns? – IOTW Report

Who Were the Mueller Report’s Hired Guns?

RCP: Special Counsel Robert Mueller spent more than $732,000 on outside contractors, including private investigators and researchers, records show, but his office refuses to say who they were. While it’s not unusual for special government offices to outsource for services such as computer support, Mueller also hired contractors to compile “investigative reports” and other “information.”

The arrangement has led congressional investigators, government watchdog groups and others to speculate that the private investigators and researchers who worked for the special counsel’s office might have included Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS, the private research firm that hired Steele to produce the Russia collusion dossier for the Clinton campaign.

They suspect the dossier creators may have been involved in Mueller’s operation – and even had a hand in his final report – because the special counsel sent his team to London to meet with Steele within a few months of taking over the Russia collusion investigation in 2017. Also, Mueller’s lead prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann, had shared information he received from Fusion with the media.

Raising additional suspicions, Mueller’s report recycles the general allegations leveled in the dossier. And taking a page from earlier surveillance-warrant applications in the Russia investigation, it cites as supporting evidence several articles – including one by Yahoo! News – that used Steele and Fusion as sources.

Mueller even kept alive one of the dossier’s most obscene accusations – that Moscow had “compromising tapes” of Trump with Russian hookers – by slipping into a footnote an October 2016 text Trump lawyer Michael Cohen received from a “Russian businessman,” who cryptically intimated, “Stopped flow of tapes from Russia.” Lawyers for the businessman, Giorgi Rtskhiladze (who is actually a Georgian-American), are demanding a retraction of the footnote, arguing Mueller omitted the part of his text where he said he did not believe the rumor about the tapes, for which no evidence has ever surfaced.  keep reading

12 Comments on Who Were the Mueller Report’s Hired Guns?

  1. If Mueller does not furnish the info, bill him for the entire amount and arrest him as a flight risk. Liquidate his assets until the sum is repaid. One good turn deserves another.

  2. They suspect the dossier creators may have been involved in Mueller’s operation

    You can’t expect someone to prove something didn’t happen! That’s madness!

  3. I sure hope that the DoJ and others are moving out quickly against the Democrat corruption. We only have so much time to bring justice and a reckoning to the many who deserve it before 2020. The Mueller thing and the Biden BS will bode well for us when the bright light of justice lights up these assholes.

  4. Robespierre Mueller and his Committee of Public Safety knew within a few months that Trump had not colluded with the Russians. They strung this out knowing that it would help their fellow Democrats win seats in Congress, and expecting that President Trump would do something that they could claim was an Obstruction of “Justice.” It was all a colossal set-up. Send them to the legal equivalent of the Place de la Concorde where a long legal tryst will bankrupt all of them..

  5. @Anonymous

    Proving something didn’t happen is called
    ” Proving a negative ”
    and is IMPOSSIBLE to do in
    nearly ALL cases.

    Mueller, Comey, Clinton and the smellocrats
    know this and this is why they keep trying
    to maneuver President Trump into such a position
    to maintain public approval ratings and the
    MSM is assisting them to the point of
    Propagandist Partisanship.

    Don’t believe anything the MSM shits out

    Not even FOX news will tell you the WHOLE truth
    They’re artfully playing both sides of the issue

    For RATINGS !

    That’s all FOX cares about : RATINGS !

    The only difference is that they don’t have to
    flat out LIE for RATINGS !
    To keep their RATINGS

    They will probably NEVER tell you

    The whole truth

    The real truth

    It is precisely this political and ratings
    manipulation and willful distortion of fact
    and censoring of thought and opinion,

    Why the truth of the President Kennedy assassination
    will never be known for sure

    As well as plenty of other events.

  6. @Fritz the Cat: “…when the bright light of justice lights up these assholes.”

    yeah. But you best believe that I want to have my 3D, nonflammable sunglasses handy for that day. Don’t need to be seeing none of them backholes from thems

  7. Sounds like part of the “underlying evidence” Nadler is so anxious to have revealed. release a couple of the juiciest names, then work down the donkeys are begging for it to stop.

    Regardless, this information is not Mr. Integrity’s personal property, it belongs to the DOJ – you know, the one run by AG Barr. If Mueller tries to hide it, throw his bony a$$ in the clink.


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