Who will President Trump pick for SCOTUS? (POLL) – IOTW Report

Who will President Trump pick for SCOTUS? (POLL)

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31 Comments on Who will President Trump pick for SCOTUS? (POLL)

  1. I see that Mike Lee is topping the poll with a whopping 17 votes!

    I used to think he would be good, but during the election, he pretty much torched Donald Trump. That’s not to say they haven’t made up, but I don’t know. He may be a strict Constitutionalist, but it seems his judgement is a bit impaired.

    I voted for Don Willett. I was the third one!

    I don’t know enough about the others, except a few of them have sketchy records as to sticking strictly to the text of the constitution. I want someone who was like Antonin Scalia.

  2. I also would like to see Amy Barrett…I’m impressed with what I’ve seen of her background. Also, agree on the importance of her clerking for Justice Scalia for a year (which was right after clerking for Judge Silberman, DC Court of Appeals…a Reagan appointee), and recently having successfully run the confirmation gauntlet for U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit.

  3. Justice Willett. Claudia has it right.

    Nice to see you Claudia. Since I’m suspended from twitter again, I was wondering if you could help me out. It’s time for another poll and I was thinking of running one on crackers. Any interest?


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