Who Wins and Who Loses Under 8 Big Government Policies – IOTW Report

Who Wins and Who Loses Under 8 Big Government Policies


Daily Signal: 

Here is a look at eight big government policies from the report that benefit government cronies at the expense of other groups of people, including the poor.

1. Renewable Fuel Standard

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 mandated that renewable fuels be mixed into America’s gasoline supply, primarily by using corn-based ethanol. Then, the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Acts significantly increased the amount that must be mixed in.

This mandate is known as the Renewable Fuel Standard. It forces the use of higher levels of biofuels than the market would otherwise bear. The result has been higher food and fuel prices.

Who Wins: Corn farmers, soybean farmers, and biofuel companies.

Who Loses: Consumers of gasoline, consumers of food, and farmers that rely on feedstock and restaurants.


2. Federal Sugar Program

The federal government tries to limit the supply of sugar that is sold in the United States.

This federal sugar program uses a combination of price supports, marketing allotments that limit how much sugar processors can sell each year, and import restrictions that reduce the amount of imports.

As a result, the price of American sugar is consistently higher than world prices.

Who Wins: Sugar growers and sugar harvesters.

Who Loses: Workers in sugar-using industries, and consumers of food (including bread) that contains sugar.


3. Catfish Inspection Program

As a result of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Catfish Inspection Program, the USDA inspects catfish while the FDA inspects all other seafood.


3 Comments on Who Wins and Who Loses Under 8 Big Government Policies

  1. This treatise omits the 2 most pervasive and abusive ones:
    1. the so-called Social Security Tax (particularly now that the fund is being drained by those who’ve not even contributed to the ‘lock-box of funds’, the ‘disabled’ and non-citizens)
    2. the Federal Income Tax because it is used for income redistribution as determined by bureaucrats who are mostly non-elected and to the left on the political spectrum from avowed Socialists.
    Just ask FDR why he couldn’t escape Hell.

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