Who would you deport? – IOTW Report

Who would you deport?

Ann Coulter gives her opinion on the first five people that she would deport out of the United States if she were God Emperor. Who would you deport?

34 Comments on Who would you deport?

  1. I don’t subscribe to deportation – I subscribe to execution.
    History is filled with deportees who returned to wreak havoc.
    Lenin, Ayatollah Khomeini, Ho Chi Minh, Napoleon … can’t think of any more (right off hand), but I’m sure there are others.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Dora The Explorer.

    And every other illegal alien, because we cannot deport actual citizens.

    If we could deport actual citizens, then I would target the black community. They can go farm south Africa.

  3. Interesting thought experiment.

    1. The U.N. in its entirety.

    2. Anyone remotely tied to foreign powers or individuals deemed threats to the U.S. or its interests.

    3. Anyone preaching, teaching or supporting sharia. Stripped of citizenship, dropped off in Saudi Arabia.


    Celebrities who whine about leaving the U.S. but don’t.

    All fascist protest groups.

    All leftist organizations.

    All heads of corporations denying services to conservatives.

    Any individual filing politically motivated or otherwise specious lawsuits.

    Any politician or media figure even hinting at the suggestion of violence or organized unrest.

    Planned Parenthood heads and employees, for murdering those who would be born U.S. citizens.

    That’s just off the top of my head.

  4. 5 people? Hmmm, tough choice, but I think we have to spread the wealth to send a message.

    #1 – Adam Schiff – Sends a message to the Democrats out there. Plus every time he opens his mouth it just makes me want to vomit. I originally was going to put Hillary as #1, but she’s got one foot on the banana peel anyhow.

    #2 – Mitch McConnel – Sends a message to RINO’s retire or your’re next.

    #3 – Don Lemon – Sends a message to the fake news media. Plus I don’t want to get branded as a racist for picking all old white people.

    #4 – Bernie Sanders – He gets shipped to that paradise of Venezuela.

    #5 – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – She goes to Venezuela too. She needs a proper education.

  5. 1. Obama — back to Indonesia or Kenya or wherever his real birth certificate says he was born.

    2. Soros

    3. Elizabeth Warren — back to her ancestral tribe/homeland, and make her a citizen of her tribal nation on their reservation

    4. Linda Sarsour — born in NY, but her heart is with the ME Arab countries and she’d rather live under sharia. Ain’t gonna happen here, so she should move and be happy.

    5. Valerie Jarrett — back to the place of her birth, Iran.

  6. 1) George Soros – Worst Person on Earth
    2) George Stephanopoulos – Worst Fake Journalist
    3) Jorge Ramos – Univision
    4) Richard Cohen – Head of SPLC
    5) (Tie) Entire leadership of the Democrat Party, the Washington Justice Department, the Southern District of New York Justice Department, the bureaucrats within the State Department, etc.

  7. Soros
    The Clintons
    The Obamas
    All Islamists
    All the people who say they hate America

    I’d send them all directly to Venezuela.
    But first I’d freeze all of their bank and investment accounts.

  8. Elizabeth Warren to Venezuela/Cuba/South Africa. Let her experience the reality of what she wants to do to America.

    Tom Steyer to any non-capitalist nation. Let’s see how he likes not being rich and having limited to no opportunity.

    All members of Antifa.

    The California state legislature. They can ruin other nations, but not one of the most beautiful states in the nation.

    The leaders of any “illegal immigrants rights” groups. Illegal immigrants have the right to a due process deportation hearing and decent treatment in the interim, but no others.

    Any judge that believes he or she has the right to legislate from the bench or assume obligations reserved to Congress or the Executive.

  9. Just five?!

    1. Soros
    2. Linda Sarsour
    3. Barack Obama
    4. Andrew Cuomo (he keeps begging Trump to deport him, so let’s do this thing!)
    5. Keith Ellison can get sent to a Muslim country where beating your girl is expected

  10. 1. The African chick that climbed Lady Liberty because go say that crap to the president of the Congo and see if you get a go fund me page.
    2. Swalwell, I hate that guy you can deport his ass with a cannon
    3. Hilary and to the Antarctic
    4. Maxine Waters, to her own district
    5. That cowboy hat wearing congresswoman, another cannon deportation

  11. I’d deport myself. Hell, it’s a free airline ticket anywhere in the world.

    Plus, it’s super easy to get back in the States so essentially I’d be getting Uncle Sam to pay for half my month long vacation.

    Then I’d do it 4 more times without consequences.

  12. @Aaron Burr August 25, 2018 at 5:22 pm

    > Then I’d do it 4 more times without consequences.

    You LAZY BASTARD! At least kill a few Murhicans, while you’re here! Don’t be as useless as a nationalist!

  13. “@AbigailAdams: They got Arab countries in Maine?”

    Not yet, but Lewiston and Portland are well on their way to having muzeloid no go zones.


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