Whole Cows CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”Whole Cows CEO: – IOTW Report

Whole Cows CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”Whole Cows CEO:

Liberty Daily:
Quickly but quietly, Big Pharma and various state governments are working to inject beef and dairy cattle with mRNA “vaccines.” The practice has been happening with pork since 2018 and beef is next on the agenda.

Jason Nelson, CEO of Whole Cows, has been watching the developments closely. His Texas company, which specializes in shelf-stable freeze-dried meat for long-term storage, has vowed to never allow gene therapied cattle to enter the food supply through their products (plus, the Liberty Daily benefits when you purchase from them through this link and the links below).

“I’ll shut down the company before we ship a single bag of mRNA-injected meat,” he said. “That’s why we’re growing as quickly as possible so we can achieve the buying power to produce large amounts. We’re relatively small now but we want to have a surplus of tens of thousands of bags of beef by 2024.”

The pushes for both transparency and to halt the push for mRNA-jabbed beef have hit roadblocks recently. In Missouri, a bill that would have forced labeling of beef injected with mRNA vaccines was stalled in committee. According to Todd Neeley at DTN: more

11 Comments on Whole Cows CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”Whole Cows CEO:

  1. They sell freeze dried, 10 year shelf stable beef cubes for $50 dollars a pound…..How in the fuck is that EVEN a business plan?….What the hell is the product good for?…..10 years of stir fry would require a second, third, fourth mortgage….FFS!….

  2. I have been stocking up on canned beef for years so I won’t be buying the new stuff. The really good beef I was getting in sealed bags went from $7 a lb to $12 a lb.
    Did you hear about the guy who says you should only be allowed two weeks of food and the gov’t should break into your house and steal the rest? Yeah, look that up.

  3. If you’re thinking “fine, I’ll just buy non-vaxxed meat from someone local”, my guess is that laws will be passed to make that illegal. Livestock will be injected at birth, so buying a couple of calves or piglets won’t guarantee that they’re vax-free, and it will be illegal to own, grow, or sell non-vaxxed animals or animal products. They really do hate us, and they want us either dead or under their control.

  4. Thankfully here in Maine the voters, who thought they were passing a constitutional law to give everyone the right to eat, passed a law guaranteeing the right for small food producers to sell their products without govt interference.
    Now we have all kinds of small farms selling their own meat and eggs, etc.
    I feel bad for people in cities where they get what the stores offer and nothing else.

  5. This rings of sci-fi movies. I thought bio-weapons were suppose to be illegal to manufacture?? That being said…has anyone done a study on how many politicians had adverse side effects from the covid shot and which party did they belong to???

  6. This morning, there were nine deer in my back yard. My wife and I can get within a few yards of them. We toss a little corn out for them each day and they hang around all year. They are my vaccine-free meat source when needed. Dispatching these critters without my neighbors knowing is made easy by using suppressed weapons with sub-sonic ammo. I can skin, gut, butcher, wrap and freeze these critters by myself. Venison is delicious and healthy.

  7. Hambone we had venison patties with sauteed onions and mushrooms in a wine reduction sauce paired with a Caesar salad tonight. The last of our 2021 venison, time to break into the 2022 batch


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