
Lid: The past few days we’ve tried to provide a clear picture of what’s occurred in 2015 with posts such as, our top 50 posts, the year in Hillary, the year in the global warming, and the Iran deal, and there will be more during the next two days. But there is one person who deserves special recognition; Karen Elaine Johnson, who goes by the “nom de plume” of Whoopi Goldberg.

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Twice during the past year she’s blurted out comments which, to be quite frank, created a mental picture that still cannot be scrubbed from my sub-consciousness.  MORE

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  1. I wouldn’t lay “her” with YOUR dick.
    Or even a 10 foot dildo.

    As for the PP endorsement, “get out of my vagina”, I’ll stop my PP rants when YOU “get out of my wallet” to pay for and subsidize PP.

    As has been said about, and to Babs Streisand, “Shut up and Sing.” I pay for you to entertain me. I DON’T pay to hear your ignorant political socialist rants and “bab”blings (see what I did there?).

  2. She certainly insulted herself with that “I just wanna get laid” remark. She’s having difficulty in finding anyone that would have the will to do it. Maybe her and that ugly muzzie who set fire to the mosque can get together, they look alike.

  3. Barbara Walters said that all women look good on their backs, but I haven’t seen them all. I do know I like buckwheat flapkacks, warm off the griddle and slipped onto my plate where they rest under hot melted butter as they await syrup that wards to the moment. A person needs to go where the sausage meets the eggs on this plate, and of course black coffee is at hand. I rarely need a napkin after such an event as great care is taken in the eating. I’ll always be thankful that Granny left this recipe in her own cookbook, that and let me tell you about her brown bread.

  4. So why cant she “buy it”? I think libtards like her would realize at some point no amount of money is going to get you what you crave or attention that is fulfilling. She should just get happy with a squash, or if that is not enough a watermellon.

  5. Needs to go down to the Zoo and see if there are any horny Silverbacks …

    Not to imply that a silverback has ANYTHING in common with Whoopie (with the possible exception of horniness) …

  6. Navy Squid it’s pretty damned bad when you can’t get laid in a Subic City or Olongapo City bar. When the fleet came in there were more hookers there than just about any other third world shit hole in the whole entire world. Olongapo City in Subic (Pubic) Bay in the Philippines was the nastiest and most vile place I’ve ever been to in my life. It was literally a gateway into Hell. I wish I had been smarter when I was younger and never crossed Shit River from the base into that Hell hole.

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