Walking Eagle Warren (so full of shit can’t fly) trade wampum vote for treatment from medicine man.
Sanders and Warren were sitting on each others laps today at the hearing. I wonder which one smelled the worst?
Probably also pretty high up on the list of Senators getting kickbacks from the Ukraine gravy train. And no doubt she’s a big proponent of Big Pharma’s bioweapons labs in Ukraine…which of course never really existed, don’t you know.
LCD…not sure it was intentional but that was F’n funny and pathetic by the fake revolutionary old fart
I watched that live here at the shop. Sanders knew all along that RFK had resigned from the outfit, but pushed that bull shit anyway.
RFK had an exchange with an American Indian Senator from New Mexico that was pretty good. I think that particular Democrat maybe a yes vote. RFK knew more about the current medical conditions facing the American Indians than the senator did.
Those that yell the.loudest have the most to hide.
Liawatha. Nothing but shit flows from its hypocritical mouth.
These socialist/communist/wokesters have not yet realized that socialism is a dead horse. They keep on trying to climb on it to get it to move.
Cuba is in such sad shape it has resorted to importing sugar. From, I think, Russia, which probably gets sugar from beets. Imagine that, Cube has to rely on imports for its sugar.
Crazy socialists are just too dumb to see obvious.
Good thing Fauxahontas can’t take it with her on that firey slide to Hell she’s working on for her eternity.
I guess in the case of Caroline Kennedy blood isn’t as thick as water. She calls her cousin a predator because he keeps predator birds giving everyone the wrong idea? I can just imagine the back stabbing in that family.
Walking Eagle Warren (so full of shit can’t fly) trade wampum vote for treatment from medicine man.
Sanders and Warren were sitting on each others laps today at the hearing. I wonder which one smelled the worst?
Probably also pretty high up on the list of Senators getting kickbacks from the Ukraine gravy train. And no doubt she’s a big proponent of Big Pharma’s bioweapons labs in Ukraine…which of course never really existed, don’t you know.
Apparently, Bernie is obsessed with onesies! 🙂
LCD…not sure it was intentional but that was F’n funny and pathetic by the fake revolutionary old fart
I watched that live here at the shop. Sanders knew all along that RFK had resigned from the outfit, but pushed that bull shit anyway.
RFK had an exchange with an American Indian Senator from New Mexico that was pretty good. I think that particular Democrat maybe a yes vote. RFK knew more about the current medical conditions facing the American Indians than the senator did.
Saw the tagline, thought “Oh Democrats”, not disappointed.
Gonna be fun four years+
how’s those vaxx dollars, u fkng twats?
Soo-prise, soo-prise, soo-prise
Those that yell the.loudest have the most to hide.
Liawatha. Nothing but shit flows from its hypocritical mouth.
These socialist/communist/wokesters have not yet realized that socialism is a dead horse. They keep on trying to climb on it to get it to move.
Cuba is in such sad shape it has resorted to importing sugar. From, I think, Russia, which probably gets sugar from beets. Imagine that, Cube has to rely on imports for its sugar.
Crazy socialists are just too dumb to see obvious.
Good thing Fauxahontas can’t take it with her on that firey slide to Hell she’s working on for her eternity.
I guess in the case of Caroline Kennedy blood isn’t as thick as water. She calls her cousin a predator because he keeps predator birds giving everyone the wrong idea? I can just imagine the back stabbing in that family.