WhoreHouse Reid: Tea Party ‘Spooked’ Boehner from Immigration Reform ‘Into Cowering in a Corner’ – IOTW Report

WhoreHouse Reid: Tea Party ‘Spooked’ Boehner from Immigration Reform ‘Into Cowering in a Corner’

Big Government

The Tea Party “spooked” House Speaker John Boehner “into cowering in a corner” to avoid taking on immigration reform, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid charges.

“Our broken immigration system is one of the biggest challenges we face as a nation and Speaker Boehner knows that addressing it is the right thing to do, yet the Tea Party spooked him into cowering in a corner,” Reid said in a statement. “Instead of working with Democrats to forge bipartisan solutions, Speaker Boehner has sunk to suing the President and wasting taxpayer money in a transparent attempt to appease the Tea Party.”

On Monday, President Obama announced that, given congressional intransigence, he would be taking administrative action on immigration reform “on my own, without Congress.”

Obama also pointed to the Tea Party as a pressure point that deterred House Republicans from moving on immigration reform.


15 Comments on WhoreHouse Reid: Tea Party ‘Spooked’ Boehner from Immigration Reform ‘Into Cowering in a Corner’

  1. Reid knows there is a big difference between so-called “immigration reform” and the Tea Party’s desire to enforce the constitution and laws regarding sovereignty and illegally crossing our borders. Because he knows, he lies.

  2. What I would really like to see is a point-by-point presentation from the pro-illegal immigration supporters of what is ‘broken’ with our immigration system that needs to be reformed. I seriously doubt they could get by the first bullet point on the list. That point would be ‘if we help them they’ll vote Democrat’.

  3. Harry reid is the biggest threat to Americans and our freedoms because he is protecting the president from being impeached. Everyone knows that many. many laws have been broken by this president and as long as reid is controlling the Senate laws will continue to be broken.

  4. The most corrupt Senator in the History of the Republic, Pedophile Reid, sez I’m cowering in a corner cuz of some defunct tea baggers?

    That impugns my manhood! … er … maleness … oh, heck … I do have a penis … just no balls …

    I could just burst into tears!

  5. “Harry reid is the biggest threat to Americans and our freedoms because he is protecting the president from being impeached.”

    Horse shit. John Boehner and Mitch McConnel and their lackeys are just as culpable, if not more so. If Mississippi has shown us anything it has made it clear that establishment Republicans are treacherous, lying, back stabbing bastards who will dry shave you every chance they get.

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