Who’s Afraid of Dr. Dan Erickson? – IOTW Report

Who’s Afraid of Dr. Dan Erickson?

Sebastian Gorka asks- Why are Google & YouTube so Afraid of Dr. Dan Erickson?

He’s one of the two California urgent care doctors from the viral (lol) video that was taken down. He’s been questioning the ‘Rona numbers, scientific data, and the lockdowns.

11 Comments on Who’s Afraid of Dr. Dan Erickson?

  1. This man is Awesome & Courageous.

    For those interested there is another Y-tube video (2) by Dr. Knut Wittkowski that is somewhat similar but touches a bit on political issues.

    Please find the video & watch it.

    The more people watch, the more these videos get discussed & re-posted after takedowns.

    Goodnight everyone, till tomorrow.

  2. Horatio – I put no credence in blogs which begin by labeling people as ‘fucktards’. These doctors may not be right, but their arguments deserve a hearing and, if necessary, a rebuttal with evidence and counterargument. Name calling and “face palms” are not evidence or argument.

  3. Everyone with an agenda, everyone who loves the drama, everyone who enjoys living their life in fear, everyone who doesn’t want to admit they were had, every leftist, can’t have people exposing truth and common sense.

    There is actually a group on FB “exposing” doctors as they are calling it. It’s nothing more than ignorance. For example one woman complained of her doctor of 20 years that he wants her to risk her life for telling her to quit wearing her mask for hours a day and go outside and breathe fresh air. She called him for being light headed all the time with her mask on, cause you know it might spread through a screen.
    Many more like her filing complaints with the state medical board against doctors for nothing.

    FB is now censoring almost everything I post as being partially false or all false. They dislike anything that criticizes/exposes Fauci, government, CDC, health departments. Any truth about masks, immune systems, false rona numbers.

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