Who’s Bossing Biden?  – IOTW Report

Who’s Bossing Biden? 

After Joe Biden Announces Trip to Join UAW Picket Line to Counter Trump, Former Jill Biden Press Sec Panics: “Ugh no, please don’t do this to him.”

GP: Michael LaRosa, former White House Press Secretary for Jill Biden, is begging Joe Biden’s handler’s to not have him go join the United Auto Workers picket line next week, after Biden posted an announcement he was headed on Tuesday to support striking workers in Michigan. The scheduling of Biden’s trip comes after President Trump announced he will be meeting with striking workers on Wednesday in Michigan.

LaRosa posted on X Twitter, “Ugh no, please don’t do this to him. These engineered performances ALWAYS come across as awkward, overrehearsed, & phony, especially through visual mediums like TV. Powerful performances happen organically, naturally, & unplanned (Think Reagan, Clinton, Pete, Trump)#moments (1/2)”. MORE HERE

26 Comments on Who’s Bossing Biden? 

  1. “…please don’t do this to him.”

    …guy ACTUALLY means don’t do this WITH him.

    None of them, especially not Dr. j, give a wet slap about The Pedophile Fraudster. He’s a tool with which various and sundry folks wield illegitimate power and nothing more.

    Skippy here is just recognizing that this tool is not well suited for the proposed job, and so he doesn’t want to apply it where it can only cause embarassment.

    To HIM.

    How the TOOL feels about it is irrelevant. HE just doesn’t want to deal with the resultant busted knuckles when it inevitably slips in his hand.

  2. “…please don’t do this to him.”

    …guy ACTUALLY means don’t do this WITH him.

    None of them, especially not Dr. j, give a wet slap about The Pedophile Fraudster. He’s a tool with which various and sundry folks wield illegitimate power and nothing more.

    Skippy here is just recognizing that this tool is not well suited for the proposed job, and so he doesn’t want to apply it where it can only cause embarassment.

    To HIM.

    How the TOOL feels about it is irrelevant. HE just doesn’t want to deal with the resultant busted knuckles when it inevitably slips in his hand.

  3. Who’s bossing Joey? Just for starters, anybody with a cute prepubescent daughter, anybody with ice cream, or anybody with a bag full of money.

    Actually, the daughter doesn’t have to BE cute as long as she SMELLS cute.

  4. Who is bossin the other guy? Mr lame brain. Drugs? Adderall? God he’s so much younger. This is for both the last chapter, one wins, one loses. America knows exactly who the loser is.

  5. I’m a little concerned with joey being in a crowd like this with some wacko slipping thru his security that will take a shot at him like what happened to Ronald Reagan with John Hinckley and the assassination of President Garfield by an angry citizen who doesn’t like joey or his hate America first agenda. I know his security is tight but come on man, he’s taking too much of a chance in doing this. His handlers need to call it off just because.

  6. mod SATURDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 2023, 13:07 AT 1:07 PM
    “”Actually, the daughter doesn’t have to BE cute as long as she SMELLS cute.”

    One of those Paltrow candles might help with that.”

    …too bad he’s NOT into that, those can be kind of ‘splodey…


    …OTOH, probably for the best. If he DID have one blow up in someplace he wasn’t even in at the time, he’d be telling THAT story over andover again to victims of the latest Democrat terror bombing to prove he’s just like them…

  7. This is gonna be awesome. A preview of the upcoming debates with blue collar workings being the judges. Hard working people that are not better off with Joe and remember what a great job Trump did. Those that did not vote for DJT last time will this time for sure.

  8. Never thought I would say this here on this site, but it is about time that all who comment here need to have a screen name.
    The anon’s are out of control.
    I know that some anon’s need to be unseen but the trolls,no.

  9. I sure hope, there will be some stairs involved, and maybe a flag pole or two.., don’t forget the black sandbags to be trip hazards by the teleprompter.., then joey can exit the area on a bicycle..lol


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