Who’s Dumber, Geraldo or Russell Brand? – IOTW Report

Who’s Dumber, Geraldo or Russell Brand?

bumped: Hoft re-uploaded the video.

It’s a toss up, but I say Geraldo.


Comment on Brand’s video-Russell Brand (That is Russell Brand’s avatar.)

jfree1998 – Forgot I was talking to idiots who wear che shirts to peace rallies bwahahahahahahaa. That’s like wearing a Ted Bundy T-shirt to sorority week.


18 Comments on Who’s Dumber, Geraldo or Russell Brand?

  1. When I was a kid I was sitting in an office waiting for a job interview. The kid in front was dressed like his hero Che’
    The guy behind the desk said to the kid. “So your an idiot”
    The kid said what do you mean?
    The guy said ” your dressed like your hero Che’ so you must be a fuckin moron”. “Get out of my office and don’t come back you piece of shit”
    The guy behind the desk was born in Cuba. I had no idea what was up. I never heard of Che’

  2. Bundy t-shirt at sorority week – that’s funny! Made me chuckle, anyway.

    Years again had a good Cuban friend who fought in La Revolution, then escaped when it turned Commie. He despised Che with his entire being, and could tell stories about the evil bastid that would curl your hair and make you weep.

    Whenever I see an idiot with a Che t-shirt, I have to stifle the urge to walk up and rip it off their dumbasses!

  3. I made it through until Whorealdo opened his pie-hole.
    He’s just insufferable. Why Fox insists on keeping him on is something I will never understand.

    @BFH, your YT link doesn’t work.

  4. Geraldo is a special kind of stupid. He speaks with such authority yet the content is filled with “feelings”. He often just argues both sides of the coin and rarely reaches any conclusion. The other day I heard him on the radio prefacing a discussion on the Christians in Iraq by dropping his Christian creds: He declared that he was half-Catholic!

  5. Link works fine but I don’t know and don’t want to know who RB is.

    What was John Huston’s classic line in “Chinatown?”
    Something about old buildings and old whores getting respectable with age. That does not include Geraldo, regardless of his whore status.

  6. This AM Jerry Rivers berated a guy for saying that Bill Clinton was a liar.

    Hello? Jerry? Anybody home?

    Bill Clinton is a fucking liar.

    On national TV.

    Don’t know Russel Brand – some indian guy?

    I can’t watch the video cuz I have CenturyTel – no access to the interwebs.

  7. Sorry BFH, I could only watch a few minutes of Brand. The arrogance of his sitting peacefully in his London flat spewing out his thoughts on justifying terrorism was just too much.

    I tried to drop a steamer on the comments section just to challenge anyone who thinks Brand even approaches a logical thought in his rantings.

    Geraldo get’s paid to be the village idiot and provide a foil for Hannity to counter.

    Brand voluntarily spouts his idiocy. Brand by far is the greater fool.

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