Who’s he lookin’ at? – IOTW Report

Who’s he lookin’ at?

16 Comments on Who’s he lookin’ at?

  1. “What’s he looking at”

    Hopefully, just off to his left are 3 heavily armed federal officers that are about to truss him up in shackles and lead him off to his arraignment.

  2. He’s keeping an eye out for whoever files charges for misprision, Treason, corruption, and judicial misconduct.

    The FISA court heaved a great sigh of relief as their complicity to the FBI’s treasonous fraud against the American people has gone largely unmentioned, and Sullivan is hoping that his criminalities will go unnoticed, as well. But there’s always the off-chance that the Senate will grow enough balls to impeach and force prosecutions.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I was going to say “Who am I looking at?”, but thanks to the comment by Chickity China the Chinese Communist Chicken I was able to get a name. From there Google did the rest.I


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