Who’s to blame this week? Clinton blames Comey and WikiLeaks for election loss to Trump – IOTW Report

Who’s to blame this week? Clinton blames Comey and WikiLeaks for election loss to Trump


“I was on the way to winning until a combination of Jim Comey’s letter on October 28 and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but were scared off,” Clinton said at the Women for Women International Conference.


No. You were not. Shut up.

14 Comments on Who’s to blame this week? Clinton blames Comey and WikiLeaks for election loss to Trump

  1. Yesterday it was misogyny. She’s right in a sense, only the dislike is coming from other women probably more than men. I do hate dishonest women who stand by a serial cheater and liar for no other reason than the sake of power.

    I would amend her statement to dislike of skanky women.

  2. According to the Director of the FBI, ‘Intent’ is required to be guilty of a crime.
    Since this is now testified Government Official FACT, we need to stop the FakeNews that ignorance of the Law is no excuse. Ignorance of the Law is now a legal defense. This is FACT presented in Open Court by OUR Government.
    I Can’t Drive 55.

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