Why a CNN Editor Got Taken to the Woodshed Over His Tweet About the Ongoing Riots – IOTW Report

Why a CNN Editor Got Taken to the Woodshed Over His Tweet About the Ongoing Riots


It truly takes some hardcore drugs to become this deluded. For the liberal media, that’s Donald Trump. He’s the drug. He’s made them deranged. We all know this, but it’s become more brazen and unhinged ever since the conclusion of the Republican National Convention. It just blows one’s mind to think that Democrats actually thought that no one would care about the riots or better yet, blame Trump for the mayhem that’s been engulfing Democrat-run cities for weeks. The same cities that have turned down federal help to bring back law and order because… “orange man…bad.” 

The riots are a problem. CNN’s Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo finally admitted that…when it started to show up in the polling. This comes after these two endorsed the leftist mayhem. Russia might be exploiting this now, you know. It’s just ridiculous at this point and yet another reason why the media’s trust numbers remain at the bottom of a cesspool. These people are absolute crap. And the best part is we have their number. We have video, you clowns. All of which negate every aspect of your gaslighting regarding these leftist riots. It’s not peaceful when buildings are being torched, cops are being shot, and federal agents are being blinded by lasers and having bombs hurled at them. 

So, when CNN’s Chris Cillizza decided to tweet, “Trump’s efforts to label what is happening in major cities as “riots” speaks at least somewhat to his desperation, politically speaking, at the moment” with a picture of a building in flames—the dragging was expected.  more

13 Comments on Why a CNN Editor Got Taken to the Woodshed Over His Tweet About the Ongoing Riots

  1. You gotta secede from these people, get society under control, or they’ll burn the whole place to the ground.

    You think if Trump wins they’ll all just admit defeat and go home?

  2. I was thinking about the “No Justice, No Peace” rant from BLM and Antifa.

    I just had a thought.

    Follow me here: Without justice no peace.

    That is true.

    How so, you might ask.

    Justice demands that the rioters be charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced to prison. So much for the “justice” component.

    Peace will occur after the criminals are imprisoned.

    So, without realizing it, the slogan is actually correct. Just not the way the dimwits who are lacking in self-awareness understand it.

    Just sayin’.

  3. Who is responsible for the violence on the streets??? Ummmm… take a look. This was posted yesterday and my wife and I’ve been sharing it with friends. Lot of good feedback. Will keep sharing this site. Wake up the sheep! the Dems are evil.

  4. It’s Trump’s fault and his white supremacist that are making the Democrats burn down cities, loot and murder don’t you see, it can’t be helped.
    Operation backfire is on the road to a city near you.

  5. Mayer Ted Wheeler gets his karma. Rioters demand his resignation, and the riots are burning themselves out at his apartment building. I’d bet he thinks he doesn’t deserve this happening.

    “More than 200 people on Monday night marched to the Pearl District condominium tower where Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler lives to demand his resignation.

    The demonstration quickly turned destructive as some in the crowd lit a fire in the street, then placed a picnic table from a nearby business on top of the fire to feed the blaze. People shattered windows and broke into a ground-floor dental office took items including a chair, also added to the fire, and office supplies.

    Shortly after 11 p.m., a bundle of newspapers was set ablaze and thrown into a ground-floor storefront in the residential building.

    Around the same time, police arrived and warned over a loudspeaker that the gathering had been declared an unlawful assembly, then a riot….”

    https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2020/09/protesters-march-to-portland-mayor-ted-wheelers-residence-monday-throw-birthday-party-demand-resignation-live-updates.html .


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