Why a Wall Street Journal Columnist Thinks Biden Might Have Hurt Himself with Progressives – IOTW Report

Why a Wall Street Journal Columnist Thinks Biden Might Have Hurt Himself with Progressives


For many, last night’s presidential debate was a mess. President Trump didn’t stop knifing Joe Biden. Joe Biden, frustrated to the nth degree, told the president to shut up. A few things were obvious. Unlike in 2016, Trump was prepared for the debate. He had his attack lines rehearsed. For lack of a better term, it seemed as if Trump was just winging it in 2016, but he did so very well. Well enough to win. He appeared to have his record of accomplishment and the lack thereof regarding Joe Biden in mind. Was he too aggressive? I don’t know. He needed to be, but there were times where it seemed Biden was going to have an ‘applesauce mind’ moment but was saved by moderator Chris Wallace. Also, the two peddling lies about Trump certainly factored into the cutthroat persona. In the next debate, which will have mechanisms to avoid last night’s chaos, Trump needs to be aggressive still, but maybe allow Biden to fall into the pit, get entangled, and have him ramble. Let him hang himself on policy. If he brings up the white nationalist smear, have at it—but on policy, especially the economy, let him fall off the cliff. You have two minutes to respond, Mr. President. We all know you can slice and dice Joe’s record in less time.

Yet, while everyone focuses on Donald Trump’s performance, Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel noted that Biden might have been the cooler cucumber but might have hurt himself with the progressive base.  MORE

6 Comments on Why a Wall Street Journal Columnist Thinks Biden Might Have Hurt Himself with Progressives

  1. pedo joe was wired up like a Christmas tree, wallace was covering for bite-me-biden, and poor old sleepy creepy dementia joe proved he cannot stand on his own without massive “hidden” support that does NOT stay hidden when you play with the wires on live TV…..LOL

    It is NOT fair to call it a “debate” because it was not a fair an honest one.

    In the next one Trump should walk on stage, take off his suit coat, roll up his shirt sleeves, and then turn his head slowly from side to side so that everyone can see that he has no wires, no hidden microphones, and no transparent earpieces feeding him lines to repeat AND THEN ASK BIDEN TO DO THE SAME!!!

    That is what you get for making a public deal to wear no electronics before the debates and then renege on it at the last moment before the debates begin.

    The look of shock and awe on his stupid face will be PRICELESS and fodder for endless meme’s for next 10 years at least….LOL

  2. cslamer, did you notice how the debate sponsors made a big deal about audience silence, so as not to SpReAd ThE CoViD?

    We all know they were worried that applause for Trump and laughter at Joe would make it hard for Joe to hear his instructions.

  3. I think Biden was given permission from AOC and Bernie to say whatever he had to say so the public would not hear that he really does stand for the green new deal and Medicare for all.

    AOC has already said that they know they’ll be able to move him further to the left once he’s elected. But, as he won’t be president long they know Kamalala will do it .

    AOC knows that he can’t come out and say that stuff Publicly and get elected so he had permission to say what he had to say..

  4. Problem for Joe is there are polls (libs) that are showing the SQUADfans are kinda getting pissed. You’re not going to get an anarchists or squadfans out of bed to vote for Biden when he says, “I’M the democrat party, NOT THEM.”

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