Why African Americans should be very, very mad at the Democratic Party – IOTW Report

Why African Americans should be very, very mad at the Democratic Party

American Mind: Polls show Trump’s support among Black Americans (and Hispanics) is rising. This suggests that black Americans are in fact angry at being coopted for Democrat Party causes, even while they are intimidated into silence by the cancel-culture tactics of the Left.

Several other interesting indicators of anger: Kim Klacik, Candace Owens, Kanye West, Sharika Soal, Joe Collins: a growing list of black, highly visible celebrities and politicians who are fed up with Democrats. Republican congressional candidate Klacik’s viral video speaks for itself. Owen’s book Blackout has been riding the Amazon top 100 while other trendy books on race have come and gone. Soal’s enormous twitter following adores her conservative tweets. And Kanye West’s repeated arguments against abortion and its effects on the black community have been among the most powerful public statements in years.

Black Americans are angry with the Democratic party, but not angry enough. They should be very, very angry. They have good cause to be.

The Racist History of the Democratic Party

From 1830 to 1865, the Democratic Party worked to protect the unconscionable institution of slavery from being abolished. From 1860 to 1960, it worked to preserve the cultural injustices of slavery through the Black Codes, segregation, and discrimination. The famous fight to end segregation and address the economic and cultural damage it caused began in the 1960s with Democrat presidents John Kennedy and LBJ—but it was not a fight of Democrats against Republicans. It was a fight of the new Democrat Party against the old Democrat Party.

The new Democrats did well-intentioned things to redress the injustices of the old Democrats. But they very soon used the moral capital of the Civil Rights Movement to justify the sexual revolution. The real fight for real civil rights by Black Americans was thereby tarnished by becoming a useful tool for the pseudo-rights of the Left’s scheme of sexual liberation, which has become so radical that it goes beyond the liberation from morality to the liberation from biology. more here

7 Comments on Why African Americans should be very, very mad at the Democratic Party

  1. They should REALLY be mad at LBJ and the Great Society. That’s where it all started…

    “I’ll have all those N’s voting for us for 100 years.”

    What a fucking failure for the country but what a success for them so far when you think about it? How long has that been? FIFTY PLUS YEARS NOW…

  2. Another reason to hate the left.
    A great example – try to find Shelby Steele’s latest movie on Amazon. If you actually know the name of it, (What Killed Michael Brown), it will show up, but if you just search for his name, you will never see it

  3. @ghost ~ & it only took President Donald J. Trump 3 1/2 years to start turning that racist LBJ’s words around

    is it any wonder the com’rats want to defeat PDT? … they don’t like blacks leaving the plantation

  4. You can simply walk thru Pelosi’s district and see the attitude about “peasants”…yes, not mostly black but the idea is obvious….FU.

    Wouldn’t it be nice to witness a Marie Antoinette-like ending to Pelosi and the others?

  5. The constitution was very clear. The 3/5ths clause was there to keep the slave owning states from taking over. The purpose was to end slavery against the wishes of the slave holders. It almost worked. Then the civil war. To make right what the slave holders (DEMOCRATS) would not. My people died and were maimed in that war to free the slaves and unite the union.


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