Why Are Georgia Republican Legislators Proposing In-State Tuition For Illegal Aliens? – IOTW Report

Why Are Georgia Republican Legislators Proposing In-State Tuition For Illegal Aliens?

Georgia Record: Georgia State Reps. Kasey Carpenter (R), Dale Washburn (R), Bill Werkheiser (R), and Penny Houston (R) are sponsoring HB 131 to open in-state college and university tuition rates to about 15,000 DACA illegal aliens.

This week Breitbart reported on the group of four Georgia Republican House members who, along with two democrats Tran (D) and Marin (D), are pushing HB 131.

The bill is positioned as a “Workforce” bill, which sounds like a nice thing. However opponents ask why, with limited space in college classes, we would consider making it more difficult and perhaps more expensive for a U.S. citizen to attend these Colleges, while incenting non-U.S. citizens to take the seats at potentially lower cost.

Another factor would be the additional illegal aliens such a move could draw into Georgia to take advantage of such a law. more

14 Comments on Why Are Georgia Republican Legislators Proposing In-State Tuition For Illegal Aliens?

  1. Because like my father told me 30 years ago when I was naive the Republicans are no better then the DemocRATS. My father may he rest in peace gets a lot smarter the older I get.

  2. Kemp and Raffey have always been “Bushb Republicans”.

    You need to give Rush credit when you quote what he said 25 year ago. “BushRepublicans are Democrats!”!

    Right in 1998 and still right in 2023!

  3. @Txn4Evr

    You’re more right than you know. A lot, and I mean a lot of our ostensible repub representatives here in Georgia are in fact democrats. But they can’t get elected in their districts as a ‘D’, so they ‘changed parties’.

    Kemp is a democrat from the 60’s in his principals. Our SOS, Raffensberger, was re-elected by democrats last year.

  4. Progressives are progressives first, last and always. The Republican establishment is a wholly owned subsidiary of the progressive movement. There is vastly more distance between the Republican establishment and MAGA than there is between the Republican establishment and Democrats. The Simple truth is that the Republican establishment and the Democrats overlap to a large degree.

  5. “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Demonrat and Republican parties.”
    (George Wallace, 1966)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Because Georgia never really was a red state. A bunch of opportunistic centrist Democrats rode the red wave thirty years ago and switched parties in the state assembly, and others have been following their lead ever since.

    They work hand in glove with the Atlanta black political machine in a power-sharing arrangement to further their own interests. Georgia has been politically progressive for sixty years.

    Sure, we’ve had the likes of Larry McDonald, Newt Gingrich, Tom Price and Marjorie Taylor Green, but don’t let the tokens fool you. We’ve gifted the nation with many more progs such as John Lewis, Hank Jones, Cynthia McKinney Tank Abrams and James Earl Carter. And our state & local pols are an even bigger bunch of prog clowns.

    So no surprise at the monetary tongue-bath for illegals. Can’t wait to see what madness Governor Abrams wreaks on our state. Literally, I can wait. I’m leaving before that happens

  7. ALL of the incentives that entice the illegals to come here need to be ended NOW. then all of the people who knowingly employ them need to fined severely for their first offense and jailed for the next.

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