Why are Noses Missing from so Many Egyptian Statues? – IOTW Report

Why are Noses Missing from so Many Egyptian Statues?

Ancient Origins: One of the most common questions you will hear within art history’s circles is “Why are the noses missing from so many ancient Egyptian statues?” Is it just a coincidence, or could it possibly be a conspiracy?

Natural Erosion Has Played a Role

Several archaeologists have suggested erosion could be one of the main reasons this happens to many ancient statues. Harsh winds, shifting mud and sand dunes, the flowing of water, and thousands of years of feet and hands pitter-pattering over relatively delicate materials such as marble and stone will most likely have a pretty damaging effect. Many of these ancient statues have been exposed to these elements for a very long time, while others have been buried under tons of mud and sand for centuries, it’s usually the extremities, such as arms, legs and noses that get damaged the most and eventually disappear.

Human Intervention is Definitely Another Major Factor


Oops. Wrong photo.

Vandalism could be another major factor as to why this phenomenon appears so frequently. A recent example, not in Egypt, is the statue of the famous philosopher Aristotle, which is welcoming visitors at the entrance of the ancient Assos site, in Turkey. The statue of Aristotle, known as the founder of the first philosophy school in history, was erected in 2009 by the Culture Ministry of Turkey at the entrance to the ancient Assos site in the Ayvacık district, but in 2015 it was vandalized after its right arm was removed, while severe distortion was noted on the statue’s face as well.  MORE

27 Comments on Why are Noses Missing from so Many Egyptian Statues?

  1. From the bullshit article:
    “Since it’s historically, archaeologically and scientifically proven that the ancient Greeks and Romans were of European (Caucasian) origin, in this case racism wasn’t likely to have been a reason for the intentional de-nosing of those statues.”

    So, of course, non-whites can’t be Racists.

  2. Uhhh, it’s OBVIOUS you do not spend enough time on YouTube watching the Black Israelite videos. You are seemingly ignorant of the “We Wuz Kangs,” theories, as well. As our new Great Leader would say-Sad! :/

  3. In recent times the whole world has witnessed the vandalizing and destruction of antiquities by savage muslims, but the article is quick to assure us that Christians and Jews were also guilty in the past to do similar things, although when and where it didn’t (or couldn’t) say. What a load of PC crap disguised as a scientific article.

  4. Similar to using a shoe to throw as a sign of disrespect,cutting off the nose of a statue could have an nasty side effect on life beyond the grave,

    This is speculation without the benefit of particular civilization facts.

  5. The Egyptians themselves spent time erasing former priests, queens, pharoahs, etc., from the record. Not just their noses, but scratching off their names, busting up statues, killing their children, brothers and sisters, flattening frescoes and reliefs. And now, the muslims are trying to destroy Egypt itself.

  6. On my first trip to Italy in 1982, I noticed many statues, busts, etc. has the noses knocked off. According to the locals in each city (many) I visited, the Nazis did this damage when they occupied so much of Italy during WWII. They just weren’t satisfied with blowing apart buildings and killing people…they had to leave another type of mark upon their conquests. Just pitiful to see!

  7. VietVet: There is an ancient statute in Rome of a nude man that has had it’s penis broken-off and stolen so many times (typically by female tourists), they keep a drawer full of replacements.

  8. Tony R,
    Here is some more ridiculous statements from the article.

    “Of course, religion has also played a huge part, even though extremist Muslims aren’t the only ones who have been caught in the act as many people falsely believe today. Christians, Jews, and many other known religions have also taken part in the shameful act of vandalism throughout the centuries and are responsible for the de-nosing and dismembering of many cultural and historical treasures.”

  9. In the previous article, Pepperdine University says they will remove the statue of Christopher Columbus from its campus. How about a compromise and just remove his nose.

  10. Can’t blame all on mushloid crap stains, they weren’t around in the day like religion religions the Islamic moon God ideology is last to the show in the region. Sure they hate and want to destroy everything historic that ain’t mushloid, but that all started once the pedophile croaked.

  11. “Native Americans” & Pacific Islanders did it. They have a tradition of cutting off the noses of adulterers. A clear signal to leave the penises in the drawers.

    Some people just don’t wait for the the statue to be made to cut off a nose, they slice it right off while they’re still living, in which case, I guess the statue wasn’t defaced. It’s what they looked like when they passed away.

    http://www.clatl.com/news/article/13038404/did-native-americans-cut-off-the-noses-of-adulterous-wives .

    Chris Columbus gets his reputation tarnished here too. Tossed in with the Taliban practices. Who also threatened to cut off the noses of anyone who voted in the 2009 Afghan election. That’s real vote suppression right there.

  12. “Since it’s historically, archaeologically and scientifically proven that the ancient Greeks and Romans were of European (Caucasian) origin …”

    According to legend, Greeks originated in Asia Minor (Ionia) and the Romans were an offshoot of Aeneas (Trojan) also of Asia Minor. May have come from the Caucasus region of Central Asia (between the Black and Caspian Seas), but how that makes em “European” is beyond me.

    The simple fact is that thuggish vandals cut off their (the statues) noses to spite their faces.

    izlamo delenda est …

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