Why are some stores still mandatory-masking in non-mask mandatory states? – IOTW Report

Why are some stores still mandatory-masking in non-mask mandatory states?

Rare Exquisite Apu (Alabaster)@RareExquisiteApu

So, I went to Sam’s Club in Dallas yesterday. Texas no longer has a mask mandate, but businesses are still able to force you to wear them in their establishments and they are. The vast majority of stores here still require them.
It occurred to me that it may have more to do with sales of “pandemic” related goods than safety concerns. Here are a few pics I took in Sam’s.
Forcing people to wear masks forces people to BUY masks

SNIP: For those of you in non-mask mandatory areas that still have businesses who require masks, ask them why that is.
Are they trying to offload their ControlaVirus supplies, too?
Are they power tripping?

No one can sue a business if they catch ANY virus because they can’t ever prove where they got it and when they got it.
Ask the business what their reason is.
Ask your state why they allow businesses to ‘require’ masks 100%.
‘To protect people’ doesn’t count.
Because there’s NO MASK MANDATE.

46 Comments on Why are some stores still mandatory-masking in non-mask mandatory states?

  1. I don’t shop in places that require a mask. Those people who work there that I run across outside of the stores have all told me it is a corporate policy. If their corporate offices are in a state that mandates masks (most seem to be) they have all of their stores enforce it. Except the local McDonald’s. The franchise owner found out she makes more profit by just having the drive in open, so she is keeping the inside closed.

  2. Here in Texas.. Well after there was a water shortage .. stores now have Pallets of water! Stores have ton’s of Chinese Made Hand Sanitizer no one wants and masks galore every where you look again ..no one wants!

  3. They don’t mess with us unmasked ne’er-do-wells in MO except for the Menards in Springfield.

    I had a woman run after me to bitch at me. I told her to go &uck herself and her eyes got as big as saucers and she ran away.

    Then I was in there last week and saw the same woman. She looked over at me with a big grin… stared for a second, and the grin turned into a horrific scowl as she recognized me.

    It turns out she works there.

  4. Disclaimer:
    7u0 years ago I was a conservative D who loved another very conservative D Ronny!

    Ronny said over 1,000 times from 1946 to 1989, “Big Bus – Big LABOR; SAME COIN 2 SIDES!”!

    Big Bus has been liberal for over 100 years!

  5. I just read this the other day (here?): There’s no law that says you can’t be a paranoid recluse, so go ahead and mask up and stay away from people if you like. LOL!

  6. +1 Brad. This is why businesses have made it mandatory to have “face coverings”, but few (if any) have established standards for what constitutes an effective face covering. Some face coverings (especially gators) are barely less porous than dri-fit active wear, yet most businesses allow them. If they were that concerned about safety, nothing less than N95 masks would be allowed.

    To me, this proves that the mandates are not about protecting customers from a virus, but protecting businesses from lawsuits. In the event a customer contracts the virus and tries to trace it to the business, the business can point to their face covering policy, leaving the liability for using effective or ineffective PPE in the hands of customers.

  7. There are already laws about not being able to sue a business. They removed liability when they ended the mandatory mandates.
    Look, if you aren’t willing to challenge them, or the businesses themselves willing to tell the locals to fuck off and allow people to come in without masks, then next month it’ll be triple masks and a butt plug.

  8. I’m done with the mask muzzle 😷 Nazi’s. Folks we need to rip it off and never again succumb to these aholes. 🤨

    If you want to wear a frickin mask knock yourself out, but leave me and my freedom to choose alone. 😉

  9. A year ago I had an idea for a small hole punching device for masks. You would punch small holes right in the nostril area that were too small to see unless people were really close. That way you could keep the Karens off your back while still being able to breathe and not fog up your glasses. I should have designed and manufactured it and sold on e-bay. Now I think I have missed my opportunity.

  10. TN Tuxedo

    You’re exactly right. It’s all an exercise in a big fucking waste of time. Criteria was set by Fauci and company. And Fauci knows nothing about what he was actually hired for. The Communicable disease community thinks the midgets a joke. There’s a great interview on Gateway with a real expert.

    MJA, Tractor Supply. LOL

  11. There’s not much money in selling masks, it’s just petit fascism. In a lot of small shops and convenience stores I frequent in metro Atlanta, most people are not wearing now. Especially the Mexicans, I’ve noticed. Masks? They don’t need no steenking masks.

    The mask regimen seems to be fading. What I’m more concerned about is the coming vaccine mandates, which be pushed by the corporate fascists at the government’s behest.

  12. It’s beyond sickening how the American exceptionalism, self-reliance and individualism, has so easily been torn from the greatest collection of humans on this planet.

    I personally blame the MSM, the school system and the politicians that have been so easily bought off and/or blackmailed.

  13. WalMart around here have a sign up that says they’re required and they used to ask you if you wanted a mask and tried to hand you one, but other than writing in their book or typing on their tablet and getting on their radio saying an unmasked customer was entering, they didn’t do anything. Now they don’t even bother asking, they just have someone sitting by the front door behind a table with masks on it.
    I’ve been in several stores with signs saying masks are required in several different states and have been allowed in all of them. Only one business has ever said I couldn’t enter, so I told them I’d shop elsewhere.

  14. It’s the same in Louisiana. The CVS in my town has a nazi manager and Kroger had a paid Karen that accosted me one time but I go in all stores maskless and always have but what astonished me is how everybody else with few exceptions all wear a mask especially blacks

  15. I went to a dermatologist’s office in Florida a few weeks ago and the girls behind the desk shrieked at me to put on a mask.

    efemdy got a lot right (above) but I also think it’s businesses catering to the freaked-out scared crowd. Seems to be the majority around here. They don’t want to hear from them; they don’t want to lose their business.

  16. it’s not ‘liability’ since one cannot prove where one caught a virus. it’s corporate posturing & virtue signaling. corporations run the country, just as assuredly as they buy politicians, hollywood scum & athletes, such as LeBron James, faster than hookers on 2-for-1 night.

    remember back in the day when a lot of businesses hung a sign on the door reminding customers that they had a right to refuse service to anyone? courts decided that this was a form of arbitrary discrimination … isn’t this just another form of discrimination in jurisdictions that have lifted the mask mandate? … sue the bastards!

    “I submit to you Doug, isn’t this an attack on the United States of America?”

  17. Had a woman tell me: You need to put a mask on, you might be spreading Covid. I told her she needed to put a bag over her head she was definitely spreading ugly. The guy I was talking on the phone with ask me what the hell was that was all about.

  18. Live free. Wear a mask or don’t wear a mask, whatever YOU want to do. That’s liberty. Personally, I just ignore the ratty little signs and go where I want, no mask.

  19. General Mills actually contacted businesses in ME to have no exemptions and call police or lose your business license.
    They do it too.
    Sam’s club in Scarborough had 2 security guys and 3 cops hunting my brother through the aisles. He’s a disabled vet.

    The Texas mask mandate being lifted but allowing businesses to still demand them is pretty weak.
    It seems like a sneaky way to actually keep mask mandates.

  20. They can post all the “masks are required to enter this business” they want. It’s NOT legal.
    I learned this early on from my local produce market. The health dept required them to post the sign, but it was accompanied by 72 additional pages (which no biz is gonna plaster on their windows), with waivers (medical, religious etc, essentially an opt-out).

    I haven’t worn a mask since March/April 2020. My local Walmart was the testing ground I used to disprove the legality of said mask mandate.

    Walked right past the door greeter offering me a mask. Smile, no thank you, kept on walking.
    Having successfully navigated gasps, angry stares, and shocked sheeple, I encountered a couple of employees in the back of the store cowering in the toy aisle, masks below their noses. I asked them why Walmart allowed me in w/o a mask. They looked at each other and said, “we’re not supposed to tell you this, but Walmart can’t LEGALLY ban you for not wearing one (this was around Thanksgiving).
    It’s a suggestion and as long as a large portion of a cowardly society goes along….it’s essentially a self imposed law.

  21. Get your doctor to give you a mask exemption for Hypoxia.
    Go to Walmart, or any other BB store.
    When they stop you for not wearing a mask, tell them you have a medical condition that requires you to be maskless.
    If they ask you what that is…….YOU GOT THEM.
    Sue their corporate ass for violating your HIPPA rights.
    If they don’t ask, and insist that you leave, ask to talk to a supervisor.
    If they, then tell you to leave, ask specifically, “So, “ou are denying me service because I am physically unable to wear a mask?”
    If they say yes…….YOU GOT THEM. For violating your ADA rights.
    Have two friends film it from two directions, and have the scummiest scumbag lawyer on speed dial to sue the snot out of them.
    A couple hundred episodes like this with a million $ payout will put an end to this bullsheet.

  22. “I don’t know about y’all, but I wouldn’t even know where to buy a butt plug. lol”

    Actually, a door knob works just fine – try your local hardware store.

  23. It’s just standard interstate corporate policy. Just another reason to give your business to local vendors when you can. In TX, the bigger the store, the more likely they enforce the mask policy. Small stores that don’t enforce tend to do better business than small stores run by masktard douchebags.

  24. I guess I am just frustrated with the lemmings but the other day I was challanged by a Smurf about my maskless face. I threw my pocketed mask on the ground and demanded he put it on for me ………… then turn to a few people watching this event and asked who among them was willing to place my mask on my face ……. the aisle cleared out in seconds. These Democrat morons are all talk !!

  25. You think any of this has never been about your health? Ha! These corporations don’t give two shits about your health. If they did they (the big box stores) would have been the ones to shut down not the smaller decentralized businesses. Instead, they forced everyone together into (using their language) “super spreader events” thus ensuring that the virus would spread, promoting lockdowns that destroyed any competition, so that, they would profit off of your fear,

  26. @Jethro I sorta did that. I used an exacto knife to cut a slit right below the nose area on one of those commonly used blue paper masks. It’s right under the fold so no one sees it. I can breathe, no foggy glasses and the nervous nellies are none the wiser. I’ve had my first shot; second next week. If they say we need yearly boosters, I’ll decline. I’m only doing it to see my mother, which has not been allowed because of ONE UNVACCINATED employee at her nursing home.

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