Why Are We Still Listening to Karl Rove? – IOTW Report

Why Are We Still Listening to Karl Rove?


Karl Rove doesn’t get it.

Actually, that’s not true. Karl Rove gets it exactly. And like clockwork, draws the wrong conclusions.


This time the Rovian mindset—the Establishment mindset—is on display in his latest column in the Wall Street Journal:

Government Shutdown as Self-Promotion

Planned Parenthood ought to be defunded, but trying to do it this way invites disaster.

In another ode to what Ronald Reagan used to disdain as the “pale pastel” nature of the GOP’s “fraternal order” Republicans, Rove writes:

8 Comments on Why Are We Still Listening to Karl Rove?

  1. Hey, Jebby, why isn’t old ass- wipe Rove your campaign manager like he was your insignificant brother little Georgie? What is good for the gander should be good for you. Besides he will pander to every misfit, group and coven of witches for you. And as a bonus he loves illegal criminals! Besides when you get frustrated he has the most punchable face in captivity!

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