Why aren’t you wearing your mask, Aaron? – IOTW Report

Why aren’t you wearing your mask, Aaron?

Notorious Mask-Shaming ‘Journalist’ Gets Hilarious Hoist With His Own Petard and Can’t Deal.


Vox.com “journalist” Aaron Rupar needs no introduction here. We’ve documented plenty of instances where he’s tweeted out dishonest captions for videos that have been deliberately edited/shortened to make it appear as though people (mostly Republicans or Fox News media figures) have said something shocking and/or outrageous. Rupar’s intentionally deceptive videos have sometimes helped set entire news cycles, as was the case when he smeared a Georgia sheriff’s officer back in March after the Georgia spa shootings to the point the officer almost got fired.

Perhaps even more bizarrely was that one time earlier this year when Rupar actually took issue with how Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was sitting during a Republican governors’ town hall on Fox News.

Something else Rupar has become infamous for over the past year or so were repeated instances where he engaged in some mask/COVID-shaming of people who went to sporting and political events sans masks during the pandemic, and the respective Governors of their states like DeSantis and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem. Like other Karening journalists, Rupar strongly insinuated that such folks were killing people by allegedly causing “superspreader events” instead of taking precautions by staying at home.

But over the weekend, Rupar got hilariously hoisted with his own petard after he posted pictures of himself with family members at various events, some indoors, some outdoors, where he wasn’t wearing a mask. The one he took the most grief over was attending a packed wrestling event where very few were seen wearing masks – including Rupar:

11 Comments on Why aren’t you wearing your mask, Aaron?

  1. For a guy who thinks he’s edgy he’s just another typical hypocritical leftist.
    Speaking as a woman, men like this are about as unattractive as can be. The only way it would be worse is if he had a man bun.

  2. I think I’ve seen this guy at my local grocery store demanding to see Vax cards for the unmasked. I’m not kidding. Rupert for the male version of Karen? First you would need to find out what he identifies as.

  3. Don’t be an ay ay ron, or a karen or a richard either. They all annoy most they come into contact with and probably infect you with the delta/moo whatever variant de jour because they are fully jabbed.

  4. Just snagged this off Knuckle Draggin’:

    Straight from the horse’s mouth
    (Natural News) A laboratory virus experiment that cannot be questioned or debated has no resemblance to science. “Covid-19 vaccines” do not even function like a traditional biologic and cannot be considered a vaccine. This project has not undergone a traditional FDA approval process and was pressured into existence through fraud and coercion. Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institutes of Health have repeatedly lied about this laboratory virus experiment and are currently pressure governments and corporations to make spike protein replication mandatory; therefore, this is not a transparent process nor is it an ethical pursuit. When this concoction is forced into the population in the most coercive ways imaginable, it cannot be considered “preventative medicine” at all. According to former Pfizer chief scientist, Dr. Michael Yeadon, the COVID shots and their endless boosters are “depopulation weapons” designed to enslave and kill.

    The rest: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09-02-former-pfizer-vp-warns-booster-shot-extermination-weapon.html

  5. AA

    While I agree with the content in that article Natural News, The Health Ranger, was one of the sites that had Trump calling the insurrection act and re taking his legal position as President ANY DAY NOW. Beyond the point of sanity. Personally, I avoid the hell out of them now.

  6. We’ll know progress is being made when future photos of this and similar assclowns show them running, looking over their shoulders in total terror. Can’t happen soon enough!

  7. Okay, Brad, fair enough. Does it depend on the writer or the entire site? I don’t know them at all. I posted this mainly because it was one of the best explanations I’ve seen condensed down to the bottom line. I haven’t checked anything about whether the Phizer guy actually said that or not.

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