Why Attorney General Merrick Garland Just Got Slapped With a Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Why Attorney General Merrick Garland Just Got Slapped With a Lawsuit


The House Judiciary Committee is escalating its efforts to obtain the audio recording of President Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur by filing a lawsuit against Attorney General Merrick Garland in his official capacity. 

The complaint filed on Monday explains that the dispute “is principally about a frivolous assertion of executive privilege” that has prevented the House lawmakers working to conduct oversight of President Biden and his administration from obtaining the recordings of interviews even after the transcripts were publicly released.  more

25 Comments on Why Attorney General Merrick Garland Just Got Slapped With a Lawsuit

  1. So in his report, Robert Hur said Biden was mentally incompetent to stand trial. Dems had a fit. So the only way to disprove Hur’s assertion is to release the recordings! C’mon, man; what are you afraid of?

  2. YAWN, BIG deal, Garland has an Agency filled with high dollar Attorneys who aren’t going anywhere.
    No more effective than a sternly worded letter signed by Speaker Johnson and Mitch McCONnell, both of whom support the Biden Agenda.
    Nothing to see here.

  3. The only way anything is going to get done is to impeach garland and remove him from office. You can file all the lawsuits you want to, but he’s got the entire dept. of justice backing him up.

  4. The only thing I think we can be grateful to Mitch McConnell for is keeping this filthy prick off the Supreme Court. Biden made him AG, knowing he’d take his frustration out on republicans. If Trump beats the cheating operation and gets re-elected he needs to fire a few hundred unelected government hacks who sabotaged his last term at every turn.

  5. Garland is one of the turds that’s always floating at the top of the septic tank.

    We’re being played. A great orchestrated kabuki mime dance to turn America into just another shit-hole country full of rat-people where life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”

    House Judiciary Committee, indeed. If they get the information and evidence they want, the “election” will be over and the Fat Lady will have sung.

    Watch – and See.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. As Mark Levin mentioned when back when John Boehner was the Speaker of the House, the Republicans sued the Obama admin, this is a dangerous step.
    What if they end up with an activist judge who would rule against them? It would set a dangerous precedent.
    They got lucky back then, but might not be lucky every time.
    They said they have the votes to hold Merrick Garland in inherent contempt which would give them the authority to force the Sergeant at arms to immediately arrest and hold Garland in custody until he gives up the tapes.
    Why not follow through?
    I don’t get it.
    Unless they did not have the votes and they did not tell us.


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