Why Avenatti’s Financial Past Hurts Stormy Daniels – IOTW Report

Why Avenatti’s Financial Past Hurts Stormy Daniels

Daily Caller: Michael Avenatti, the California attorney who represents Stephanie Clifford, the pornographic actress who is suing President Donald Trump and his former chief counsel Michael Cohen, has said little about the body of reporting relating to his past bankruptcies and mounting back taxes.

The cut-throat litigator and cable news fixture asserted the episodes have no bearing on his representation of Clifford or her lawsuit against the president. But the details those reports describe could substantially bear on his ability to intervene in other legal proceedings essential to the success of Clifford’s lawsuit.

Avenatti is currently the subject of a state bar investigation in California, after another attorney accused him of running an illegal “pump-and-dump” scheme through a bankrupted chain of coffee shops Avenatti acquired in 2013. Attorneys must obtain judicial permission before appearing in jurisdictions where they are not licensed to practice law. The bar association probe could serve as a basis for his exclusion from cases related to Clifford’s, as most courts require lawyers from other states to disclose any disciplinary proceedings commenced against them when seeking admission.

For example, Avenatti asked the federal trial court in Manhattan to appear as an interested party in a challenge Cohen brought against the April 9 search of his law offices by federal investigators. Such petitions, called pro hac vice motions, are routinely granted, although Cohen’s lawyers took the rare step of opposing the request on May 18.

Cohen’s lawyers argue Avenatti should be excluded from the case for several reasons, one of which is his failure to alert the court to the ongoing California inquiry. The Manhattan court’s rules require attorneys requesting pro hac vice admission to disclose “whether there are any disciplinary proceedings presently against the applicant.”

As such, the investigation — the allegations which spurned it and all information relating to it — goes directly to his ability to represent Clifford in the Cohen case.  MORE

4 Comments on Why Avenatti’s Financial Past Hurts Stormy Daniels

  1. And now the squishy Millennial -written Daily Caller has embraced the notion that a has been porn actress, turned amateur extortionist, whose film credits include titles like “Anal Incest Sluts BBC Gang-Bang, #17”…….has a “reputation” and “a good name” for some shyster to sue over.


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