Why California is falling apart – IOTW Report

Why California is falling apart

The Golden State is losing its glitter, rapidly. California has the nation’s highest poverty rate. homelessness is rampant. State officials are focused on protecting illegal immigrants from deportation rather than reversing the flight of the state’s middle class. Actor and model Fabio, an immigrant, weighs in on California’s decline.


And from 2018:

Chuck Woolery reacts to California’s quality of life ranking.
California ranks dead last among U.S. states for quality of life; Hollywood conservative discusses on ‘Fox & Friends’ what this says about liberal states.

17 Comments on Why California is falling apart

  1. Quality of Life ranking
    June 7, 2017 at 12:55 pm
    Basic Programming Globalist does not compute, or factor, Quality of Life into their designs.
    See the Programming

  2. What never ceases to amaze me is that the un-common “common” people like the readers of IOTW and other down-to-earth based-in-reality conservatives with little to no voice in the public sphere have been woke to crap like this for decades and have seen the trajectory of its cause and effect. This is truly a sign of an evolutionary awareness that is flowing from the bottom-up, made up of those who seek not fame nor fortune. This is what evil fears and it’s just beginning my friends.

  3. Lazlo left CA in the eighties.
    It was bad then.
    Democrats cannot govern.
    They think they know more than common sense spouting conservatives, and govern based on ideals rather than time tested truths
    I say bring back Poor houses, and work farms
    Get them off the street and into the fields where they can work to pay for their keep, and put the mentally ill in hospitals where they belong

  4. It’s simple: there is one party rule, and the people in power are there only to loot the governent. By giving free crap away (to voters and bureaucrats downstream, and looking the other way on criminal acts in the government and on the street, they invite the worst shit into the state, and that shit acts to reelect them.

  5. Billy Fuster,
    despite your avatar pic, you’re beautiful man! That is, you have a beautiful mind.

    To make lemonade out of the lemons, I thank the libtards and their decadence for teaching me, as leader of my family, one important principle:
    setting down roots in life is good and important, but there are times when we must tear up stakes and move to a better place.
    Think of the MILLIONS of precious souls lost to the Genocides that preceded and served as lessons for those that perpetrated the Holocaust. The educated and civil peoples that lived near the Black Sea and Anatolia. Those that left, even if it was being marched by force, at least survived.

    IOW, to those hesitant to leave the California mess: Embrace Migration.

  6. California needs a non stop supply of illegals until the liberals get their shit together. We’ll call it the New Mexico effect. Place the worst of them close to the homes of wealthy democrat politicians.

  7. Cal has been in decline for most of the last 40 years; with a brief bottoming from ’92 to ’98. In ’01 for the first time in 243 years more Americans left Cal than entered. Repeated again in ’02.’03., ’06 and each and every year since. The far left took over the GOP in ’89. The only conservative (defined by Barry, and Gov Ronny; as opposed to FDR + GWB) to run for State Office since ’88 was Pete Wilson (a good exJarhd!) Pete BTW crushed Brown – winning by a 3:2 margin! But the Cal GOP would rather run a hyper progressive lefty than win. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!”!@#!?^! 3 of the last “conservatives” (like the entire Bush Clan in ’06 telling us VOTE CLINTON) the left controlled GOP has run tis century; in ’18 backed candidates officially sponsored by the Democrats. 2 backed the corrupt (arent they all?) LA Garcetti.

    Voters have been given a “choice” between a far left, progressive R or a “center left” D. Most figured a “moderate” liberal is better than the radical leftists the GOP has put up. I include the “Carpet Bagger” leftist who lost the gov election 7 months ago.

    The solution to our problem is simple. But it would involves blood shedding! Conservatives need to mutiny against the leftists progressives who have controlled the party for 40 years. If conservatives have the NUTS to fight it can be done. It will not happen peacefully. Look no farther then the GOP left trying to push Don out in DC!


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