Why Communism is Compelled to Destroy Christianity – IOTW Report

Why Communism is Compelled to Destroy Christianity

American Thinker:

By Judith Acosta

Most people today see the division in our country as a political one. But, in my mind, that particular divide is a puny pixel in a vast screen. For it is not a mere ideological clash between parties, but a mythic battle between Spiritual Titans.    Why?  

Because it is not so much a difference of policy as it is an existential face-off. 

Because what America was built on, the bones of our civilization—God, grace, charity, liberty, individualism and self-governance, opportunity over guarantee, free will—are the counterpoints to everything communist.

Because in order for the left to win the heart of America, it must defeat Christianity and Judaism. Completely.

How are they doing this? By lying. By cultivating vines with no fruit. By promising what they can never deliver. By offering wet sand to the thirsty. And by counting on our sloth in the face of outright deception.

There are many lies, as many of you know better than I, but these are the Titanic Deceptions as far as Judeo-Christian civilization is concerned. more here

11 Comments on Why Communism is Compelled to Destroy Christianity

  1. There is no room for competition in Communism.
    Nor is there room for morals or scruples in Communism.
    Everyone and everything is brought down to their lowest level of suck so that even the most un-talented party hacks can be “leaders”
    Communism shall be your “God” when you choose the Left.
    You can elect it into office, but not out of office!

  2. Social programs – once the exclusive purview of the Church, but co-opted by the all-powerful nanny state – have already run LOTS of people off FROM the Church.

    Make the STATE your god, and why do you NEED the Church? 😳

  3. Many, if not most, young people laugh at the notion that Communism is a threat; they view it as a historical relic confined to books which they’ve never read. Yet they embrace the ideals willingly and long for the time when Communism’s little brother, Socialism, becomes the law of the land. This is our last stand. Man up.

  4. 25-30 MILLION evangelical Christians did not vote in the 2016 presidential election because they believed twisted doctrine. They thought the Bible says they aren’t to be involved in the affairs of this world.

    I don’t know if anyone else here has been paying attention to the pulpits of major Christian ministers and pastors, but for at least the past year a significant number of them have been pounding their lecturns (and filling their radio ministries) with admonitions and warnings to American Christians about the roots of the Communist Left and the Democrats’ ideologies and where that stands against religious freedom and with God.

    Only last week — and much to my astonishment — I heard two of radio’s most popular longest-running Christian ministers talking politics. One of them, I had been convinced, had disengaged from popular culture sometime back in the 1960’s! Boy, was I wrong.

    I’ll be interested to see how many ECs vote this time around.

  5. When my wife was a young woman, the Soviet Communist Party attempted to recruit her. They explained all of the duties and expectations and benefits to her. One expectation was that she disavow God completely. She declined and immediately proceeded to the local Russian Orthodox Church and asked to be baptized. Good move!

  6. This is an Earthly continuation of the War in Heaven.
    One side: Satan/Lucifer, “I will COMPEL everyone to do right, and return everyone to Heaven, therefore give ME the honor and glory”
    Other side: Christ, “I will set out rules and guidelines for people to choose. I will set the example. And the honor and glory will be Thine, oh Father”.
    If you remember anything from the Bible, you know that God chose Christ to come to Earth. And Satan rebelled, and led away 1/3 of the spirit children.

    It comes down to; Satan, or Christ; compulsion, or choice; slavery, or freedom.

  7. Good v. Evil.

    Thus has it always been.
    Thus will it always be.

    Sadly, in a world of therapeutics, we no longer believe in Evil and so Good falls into disuse. God is patient – for a generation or two. Soon we must choose. And make no mistake, that choice is NO guarantee of victory. Everyone fights for what’s “best” for himself and his.

    “The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. It has to do with “ultimate authority” and issues like “Who gets to decide?” and “How do you decide how to decide?” (No, that wasn’t a typo).

    It’s the battle since the beginning: “yea, hath God said…?” It’s now the battle we’re seeing physically manifested in the streets as BLM and Antifacts want to dismantle the foundational Authorities of our Nation: The Family Unit and Law Enforcement/The Rule of Law, which are rooted in Judeo/Christian ethos.

    Having no God to govern the affairs of the human heart, Marxists-by-default must make their appeal to the Collective/State for Ultimate Authority. Marxism is, in a sense, heretical Christianity.

    Politics is the “religion of man,” of things “down here.” Being politically Woke is the twisted counterpart to the Born Again/Conversion experience in Christianity, whereby one turns from sin (offenses committed against a Holy God) to believe in and identity with the very Life of Jesus Christ, who atoned for our sins.

    In “Wokeness,” one embraces their own Identity (black, gay, brown, trans, xyzpdq) as the supreme agent and becomes aware of sins committed against them by others. “The Natural Man” becomes the chief thing and all are expected to indulge it.

    My “identity” is not “white.” I am a Christian and I am an American. Period.


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