Why conceal carry? Because cops are too heavy to carry around – IOTW Report

Why conceal carry? Because cops are too heavy to carry around

Grant Stinchfield of NRA TV joins the show to talk about the Left’s latest attempts to violate your Second Amendment rights.

14 Comments on Why conceal carry? Because cops are too heavy to carry around

  1. …between decades of Affrimative Action hiring and promoting practices, consent decrees forced on Police Departments by courts every time the natives riot that basically prevent the Police from doing their jobs, Police unions that TALK tough but support cop-hating Democrats EVERY TIME, ridiculous “Disparate Impact” rulings that effectively make any crime that a large proportion of minorities participate in arrest-proof, the threat of lawsuits. Media lies, and negative press coverage any time a Police Officer does his job concerning a minority, Democrat prosecuters that only prosecute crimes that fit the narrative they want to tell, and Democrat Mayors who issue “Stand Down” orders if it suits their politics, it wouldn’t do you any good if you DID carry a cop around, because the ONLY person he’s ALLOWED to arrest and/or shoot, is YOU…

  2. Meanwhile PDJT has picked a real winner to head up the ATF. From GOA:

    “His name is Chuck Canterbury, and he is the president of the anti-gun Fraternal Order of Police. Sadly, Canterbury has a long track record that should concern gun owners:”

    “He’s testified before Congress to support anti-gunners like Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Attorney General Eric Holder.”

    “Under his watch, the FOP backed Congressional measures to expand the unconstitutional and failing NICS system — which is the same system where 95% of the initial denials are false positives.”

    “And on the state level, the FOP under his watch has supported Universal Background Checks and opposed Constitutional Carry.”

    PS: Cuckservative darling, Lindsey Graham (2.Zero) also voted to confirm the “Wise Latina” Sotomayor and the contemptible Eric Holder.

    Remember, when seconds count, the report takers are only 20, 30 or more minutes away. Your results may vary, response times may not be valid for rural victims.

  3. You think any restrictive entity is going to hold themselves responsible for your death when they prohibit your RIGHT to personal defense on their premises?
    Carry concealed everywhere, whether the commie MF’s like it or not..

  4. Move out of ‘ethnic/urban’ areas and you don’t really need a gun anymore…

    Ironcally those places are also easier to get and carry… huh. weird.

    Or not.

    Gun control for dem urban cities only!

  5. It’s constitutional carry here in OK come November, I guess. I have a 10 year CCW I’ll keep to travel to other states. When it expires there will be no more. Phuck the government and the left. Just don’t wonder into my crosshairs.

  6. CC JULY 27, 2019 AT 9:02 AM

    You think any restrictive entity is going to hold themselves responsible for your death when they prohibit your RIGHT to personal defense on their premises?

    Carry concealed everywhere, whether the commie MF’s like it or not..

    That’s what my aunts and uncles taught me.

    They were doctors and nurses. No-nonsense kind of Texans.

    We’re talking about the 60s and Texas. My aunts were not going to be victims or put up with any nonsense from anyone. I miss them.


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