Why Democrats Might Take It Easy On Amy Coney Barrett – IOTW Report

Why Democrats Might Take It Easy On Amy Coney Barrett


When news of the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg came down last month and President Trump made clear he intended to fill the vacancy, it also seemed clear Democrats would stop at nothing to stop it. When Trump nominated social conservative favorite Amy Coney Barrett such speculation went into overdrive with visions of the contentious Brett Kavanaugh hearings dancing in pundits’ heads. At the time I assumed this was all correct, but I am starting to have doubts.

It is certainly true that in some circles we have seen attacks on Barrett, her faith, her positions on abortion, and other issues. We had already seen three years ago in Barrett’s hearing for the circuit court that Sen. Diane Feinstein for one had no issue calling out the Catholic dogma that lives deep within Barrett. But when and if the hearings begin on October 12, do not be shocked if Democrats take a kinder and gentler tone, or if they just sit out the hearings all together.

The big difference between now and Kavanaugh is that the Democrats have no angle here. The biggest reason for this is that the current timeline offers them little chance of actually stopping the nomination and playing for more time. Recall that the Democrats’ plan during Kavanaugh was to drag out that process long enough that by the time there was a replacement nominee the Democrats could win back the Senate in the 2018 midterm. That is not going to happen here. Barring something bizarre, Barrett will be confirmed by the senate. more here

17 Comments on Why Democrats Might Take It Easy On Amy Coney Barrett

  1. Democrats are fighting to the death in this election, why? If they were like those conservatives that say Barr is doing nothing they wouldnt be pulling out all the stops. They know Barr is on to something. They’re afraid of him and scared as shit.

  2. “Barring something bizarre, Barrett will be confirmed by the senate.”

    … you mean like a bunch of Republicans getting positive tests for the chinese Red Death? …. & NO d’rats? …. you mean like that bizzare?

    btw, it’s easy to get false positives (up to 100%) … even the test developer knew this (& it’s sure that Fau Chi knows it too)

  3. Barret will be confirmed, but not before suffering the unhinged wrath of Kamel Toe. She will do her best to destroy Barret and there will be nothing off limits. We need two Barret’s. One a 50 cal.

  4. Why? Because violating the rules, and getting away with it, gains them more power. And with more power they hope, given enough time in power, to change the rules such that what was formerly illegal is now legal. However, a lot of legal things remain immoral.

  5. I don’t think the Democrats can afford to “take it easy” on Barrett. She’s their worst nightmare: a serious Catholic. Catholics are firm in their loyalty to the concept (at least) of a Supreme Law. Her confirmation would put six self-professed Catholics on the Supreme Court. What fun!

  6. The commie dems are in a death spiral — Hegel’s dialectic in reverse — and I don’t think they can stop themselves from complete self-destruction. In fact I’ve been saying for years that they carry the seeds of their own destruction; it’s inevitable. It’s always inevitable for Communists. The majority of people — especially Americans — can only take so much deceit and misery for so long.

    After this SCOTUS confirmation, our focus needs to shift intensely to the problem of education in this country. The Left must be totally debased and eradicated from the academy, starting with kindergarten. This effort actually sounds like a lot of fun to me. It will be a joy to hear the average American talking about and berating the progrenitors of revisionist history, replacement theology, and teachers’ unions the way they now argue against once-obscure themes like “cultural Marxism” and the Democrat lie about “the Southern Strategy.”

    I’m encouraged. Thank you, Lord.

  7. Satan cannot be killed.
    Thus, Satanism cannot be brought to extinction.
    Similarly to plague bacilli, the practitioners go dormant for a time – a brief time.
    If they all repented tomorrow we would STILL be left with the enormous debts (estimated at some $220 Trillion – though larger now) they have accrued over the past 100 years.
    We would still be saddled with a parasitic, worthless Puerto Rico.
    We would still be saddled with a parasitic, worthless educational “system.”
    We would still be saddled with a parasitic, worthless urban cesspool.
    We would still be saddled with parasitic, worthless denizens of DC.
    We would still be saddled with the malicious and perverse 16th Amendment.
    We would still be saddled with the perniciously destructive 17th Amendment.

    It’s a steep climb just to break even – but no time like the present to start!

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ has it right: They have switched emphasis from attacking the nominees or candidates directly, to attacking the processes which confirm or elect them. They are doing this by stalling and delaying actions such as mail-in votes and the incapacitation of the people who move the processes forward.

    When you can’t win on the merits of your arguments, attack the systems which makes you present your arguments. This is nothing new fir the Democrats, but only in the last few years have they openly tried to wound, sicken or kill their opposition rather than campaign against them.

  9. @ On Whose Shoulders
    I’m not sure it would end government education, but it would force them to have a quality product if they wanted a job.
    Which is kind of the point. As an added benefit it would force them to bring the cost of education in line with private education. Let the screaming and crying begin, it’s for the children you know.


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