Why Democrats Want to Get Rid of the Suburbs – IOTW Report

Why Democrats Want to Get Rid of the Suburbs

Ameican Thinker:

The war on America’s suburbs has opened a new front.  Buried in President Biden’s proposed budget for 2023 is a $10-billion bribe for suburban communities to remove zoning barriers to high-density housing.  The federal government promises the suburbs funding for street improvements, traffic control, and water and sewer lines if they adopt “housing-forward policies” that eliminate single-family zoning and open their communities to “affordable housing.”

This is no benign endeavor to provide more housing.  It is a strong signal to Democrat-controlled states to gear up the decades-long efforts to bludgeon affluent communities into submitting to “housing justice” and providing their “fair share.”

The New York metro area has been ground zero for efforts to erode local zoning, and if Democrats retain the governorship and supermajorities in both houses of the Legislature, the pressure will be on New York’s officials to enact legislation — first to weaken local zoning and then to destroy it.  Their new tools are accessory dwelling units (ADUs), which can be apartments over garages and standalone dwellings, and large multi-family transit-oriented developments (TODs), surrounding train stations and bus depots.

These efforts are being fueled by housing activists and progressive think-tanks like the Brookings Institution, which declared in a January 2022 article: “By some measures, the suburban counties around New York City have some of the worst exclusionary zoning in the nation.” more

27 Comments on Why Democrats Want to Get Rid of the Suburbs

  1. (you don’t have to follow this story, or most any other story really. I’ll save you the work)

    The Rats will continue wage war on Mericans’ from every angle to ‘stick it to Putin’.
    And the Media will tell you Trump and his rayciss white nationalists are behind this.

  2. This isn’t new. It has been going on in Oregon for over 20 years. They call it disparate impact. Developers HAVE TO include low cost housing in all neighborhoods. And the results are just what you could predict: crime has migrated to the suburbs along with the “diversity”. Another reason I left the state after 50 years.

  3. People are desperately moving out of the cities, and into rural areas. Many are bypassing the burbs. As soon as a house goes on the market where I live, there’s a sold sign on it the next day. Some homes don’t even make4 it to multiple listing here. I wouldn’t want their property tax bill.

  4. Progressives can’t stand to see anyone live a joyful and fulfilling life. The most sure and certain way to make that less likely is to move a bunch of fucking Democrat constituents in next door.

  5. The Maine libidiot Legislature already passed this and General Mills signed it.
    It’s meant to spread the illegals from Africa and Haiti all over the state.
    Then they’ll try to give them the right to vote.
    It’s disgusting.
    It removes the rights of individual communities to decide zoning and puts HUD lawyers in power.

  6. …they sure do like extra exclusive suburbs for THEMSELVES,tho, don’t they, where the elite ruling class retreat to after a full half-day of fucking up all of the peasant class’ boring, ordinary lives.

    The one on the East side of the PR of Cincinnati has its own police force, every estate is gated, and also most of the roads are “private”, so it’s illegal to even drive PAST most folks’ mansions. One time a Democrat Congess candidate held people at AR-15 point for daring to go through his garbage, and they arrested the garbage pickers and NOT the (pro gun control) Democrat. The media has scrubbed most references at this point, but I found this;

    And back when Boener was speaker, I referred to him as the West Chester Weeper because of his known crying habit, but also because they built up a whole nice, new area a comfortable distance away from any urban areas between Cincinnati and Dayton just to be a ruling class retreat, again well-gated and well-armed, and ain’t no stand-down orders for the cops there, neither.

    They keep the gun and club close to hand in such places, but since the media moguls live there too, you never hear about how they vigorous enforce the laws against any serfs who aren’t there to clean and do yard work, nor do you hear about how White they tend to be. The very few times there IS an incursion, such as when federal democrat judge and Occupy Wall Street enabler Susan Dlott and her theiving disbarred lawyer husband Stan Chessly got kicked down the stairs by some Obama Sons, you better BELIVE the fist of the Law smited them with very publuc fury as a warning to others…


    …they are very, VERY skilled at keeping Section 8 and MUDs out of such places, usually by preventing bus access and even blocking highways from their neighborhoods.

    So suburbs will still exist, as will gas cars and guns and food and electricity.

    But ONLY for the ruling class.

    The rest of us can just go pick bugs off each other in the squalid tenements we’re crammed into with hundreds of other people until its our turn to be vaxxinated out of existence.

  7. Awww!

    They “thought” they’d out smaht the Dane! By bribing the Dane. And now the Dane “knocks” again.

    Mister Dane, tell you what… leave their corpses… the entire households… on the front lawn. I will throw money. According to the artistry of the display.

    Every. Damn. Time.

  8. Just another step to take away personal possessions. Part of the reason building materials doubled/tripled to make housing unaffordable. Big corporations are buying up cheap houses at maximum prices. The profit is in the long term, when they split it into 3, 4, 5, apartments. Rent one house @ $2500 or 4 apartments @ $1500 ea.
    It is even better if they meet section 8 requirements then the government pays the rent. Free housing isn’t free.
    Also, it is impossible to evict deadbeats.

  9. We live in a suburb of Phoenix. Not high-end by any count, cars and pickup trucks in the driveways. We like it here. No problems, no dramas, no drivebys, no drug dealers on the corner, no nothing to talk about. We can see the elementary school from our driveway, a church is nearby, we have a small park with some picnic tables and children’s stuff. Most neighbors ‘do’ Halloween, most decorate for Christmas, some have our Flag outside, and it’s all OK.
    The thought of living in a mess of people in a high rise where no one owns anything is nightmarish.

  10. Happening already in Chicagolands once SAFER northwest suburbs…
    Public housing units going up often without hearings or neighborhood input whatsoever.
    Yes, and crime is going up exponentially….

  11. Criminals like to live in nice neighborhoods too.

    That being said, the Dems have been going after suburbs since Bubba, maybe even the formerly worst president ever. The leftist rabble that co-opted the Dems in the late 60’s hated the suburbs. That is where most of them came from and they were dead set on punishing their families and neighbors for trying to create an idyllic environment.

    Suburbs are also the bane of city planners. They are inefficient and create traffic chaos. By eliminating the benefits of suburbia, the hope is that people will be lured/forced back to urban centers.

    That is already happening here, as new households are finding they cannot afford the suburbs and are moving into the high density crap apartments that are going up like weeds next to mass transit stations and routes.

    Leftists play a good long game. I am acknowledging it, not admiring. Where they tend to fail is in losing patience and overreaching as they get closer to the finish line. It almost always results in a push back. Still, two steps forward and one step back is moving forward.

  12. It’s OK to build multi-family urban style shithole housing as long as it’s in the same neighborhood and as close as possible to prominent democRAT lawmakers homes!

  13. “So where will they put the 4 million+ new “dreamers” pedo Joey has brought here?”
    In your house as soon as they can Section 8 your neighborhood and you move out. And “Cum-on Man, we all know there are only 11 million total illegals in this country. That’s the number that’s been used by the MSM for 40 years now and it’s still true today. Don’t let your ly’in eyes deceive you.

  14. No way in the world will suburbians give up their country lifestyle, the main reason why we ditched the big city filth and massive expense. People such as the sinister underhanded Joe Biden know full well we can’t be bribed since the vast majority of suburbia residents have their own money and are big spenders. We don’t need no stinkin Joe Biden and his bogus ghetto housing.

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