Why, Despite Media Fake News, Rep. Rashida Tlaib Didn’t Want to Use Jefferson’s Koran – IOTW Report

Why, Despite Media Fake News, Rep. Rashida Tlaib Didn’t Want to Use Jefferson’s Koran

FPM: Rep. Rashida Tlaib appears to have allowed the media to think that the radical Muslim would be sworn in to office on a copy of “Thomas Jefferson’s Koran”.

The media had previously found Thomas Jefferson’s Koran to be a very useful propaganda stunt for making it appear that Islam is as America as… Thomas Jefferson.

But then Rep. Rashida Tlaib announced that she hadn’t actually used Jefferson’s Koran, but an actual Koran. Despite her announcement, many media outlets didn’t bother correcting their fake news. But that’s typical of the media, which acts as the communications arm for the most radical Democrat elements, without ever caring about truth or the facts.

It’s not surprising that Rashida Tlaib chose to opt out of Jefferson’s Koran. While it’s a great publicity stunt, Rashida Tlaib realized that she could gain the benefits of the propaganda, without actually having to soil her religion by using a book that no good Muslim would touch.

There are two problems with Jefferson’s Koran.

1. It was owned by an infidel. That’s a lesser problem.

2. Its translation is quite blasphemous.

Jefferson wasn’t reading the Koran in the original Arabic. His Koran was translated by George Sale in the 18th century. It contains his commentary and notes, some flattering, some rather less so.


14 Comments on Why, Despite Media Fake News, Rep. Rashida Tlaib Didn’t Want to Use Jefferson’s Koran

  1. Pete Zerria- “Is “Tlaib” an alternate spelling of Taliban?”

    Not sure, but her friends call her Rash (that’s her favorite nickname)
    and, yes, the US congress does have a rash now.

  2. Here is another story about this muslim.


    The muzzie bitch that wraps herself in a palestinian flag is accusing others of dual loyalty? WTF?

    She is not completely wrong about congress critters having dual loyalties. She needs to take this to the next level and ask who in congress has passports from other nations. This needs to be addressed. There are a few with passports other than US passports. Believe it or not, they are almost exclusively libs.

  3. How did it happen that Dearborn is now a Muslim enclave? They will change the name of the town soon, you watch. And how did this little bitch become so full of hatred for Americans?

    Will the coming civil war have Christians and Jews on one side and perverts, sickos, druggies, PETA, feminists, homeless bums, and muslims all formed up on the other side?


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