Why Did George W. Betray Team GOP? – IOTW Report

Why Did George W. Betray Team GOP?

American Thinker-

By Jack Cashill

“In 2020 I boldly declared that Trump was the only thing standing between our country, the American people, and socialism.  I turned out to be correct,” said George P. Bush in announcing his candidacy for Texas attorney general.

Nearly 75 million Americans agreed, but his uncle, George W. Bush, was not among them.  It is likely that if George W. had said what George P. did, the Democrats could not have “harvested” enough votes to put their man over the top.  But he didn’t.  The result, as George P. pointed out, “was over 30 trillion dollars in total spending and 6 trillion in next year’s annual budget.”  And that is just the fiscal damage.

In the year 2000, some 50 million people elected George W. Bush president.  Despite his failings, almost all hung with him and re-elected him in 2004.  They understood that politics is a team sport.  They may not have loved their captain, but they understood he was better for the country than the other guy.   The sports enthusiast Bush is, one would think he’d get the concept of teamwork.

He did not.  At least, he did not seem to.  In his bestselling campaign book, Battle for the Soul, Edward-Isaac Dovere gives us a glimpse into what Bush was doing and saying to sabotage Trump and betray the millions of Americans who had backed both men during their presidencies. more

12 Comments on Why Did George W. Betray Team GOP?

  1. I don’t trust P any more the W or HW. Hw claims he is pro-Trump, but why is he running against Texas AG Paxton, one of the most pro-Trump guys around? Isn’t there some other office he could run for? Seems like the Bushes are trying to get back in through Ken and kin.

    And there is always Soros lurking in the curtains with his state SOS and AG projects. Be careful, Texas.

  2. You can bet your biscuits this dirtbag is only interested in gaining a position of influence in Texas so at the right time he can sink republican control of the state forever. He can claim his loyalty to the Trump movement but he wants to avenge the Bush family.

  3. Might P be better than W? Yes, it would be harder to be worse. Is he better than the Dems? Maybe.
    Sorry P. Show me. Otherwise, you go on the pile with the rest of the Bush names

  4. He sure fooled me. He used 9/11 to unConstitutionally expand government intrusion into our lives. The NSA complex in Utah is recording every email, text, phone conversation and God knows what else.

    It’s gotten to the point that I’m wondering about 9/11 and the accepted narrative. I would put nothing past a government that incinerates women & children and puts the lead criminal at Waco in charge of the BATF.

  5. GW was and is ticked off that Jebby lost and that Trump exposed him for the pandering fool he is.
    All the Bushies are still mad at Trump. How dare an outsider come in and show them all up!!

  6. The entire Bush family are all democrats and especially progressives! They simply changed party affiliation to create the illusion that they’re something else.
    In my view they’re nothing but scumbag traitors to the country.
    If there was any justice in this country they’d be shot on sight.

  7. dDDIO have been conservative for over 70 years. In 2000 I DID NOT VOTE FOR THE LIBERAL DEGENERAGTE GWB!

    Think CRT should not be part of basic military training? why did you vote for GWB; whose man Auston is making CRT a part of ALL MILITARY TRAINING!

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