Why Did New York’s Coronavirus Death Count Just Spike? – IOTW Report

Why Did New York’s Coronavirus Death Count Just Spike?


[…] The newly revised death count of 10,367 could very well be accurate. And, of course, it could be wrong. The previous number of 6,589 was the official number right up until the moment it wasn’t because government officials decided to widen their definition of a coronavirus death.

The problem – and this is a pretty big problem – is that we are making extraordinary and unprecedented decisions that infringe on our dearly held individual liberties and are stifling our once-burgeoning economy. We Americans are grudgingly willing to make these painful concessions on a temporary basis in the spirit of protecting our fellow citizens from infection or death. But when we acquiesce to these demands on our freedom, don’t we deserve sound and reliable data to justify the concessions? MORE

26 Comments on Why Did New York’s Coronavirus Death Count Just Spike?

  1. I would bet it’s strategy for the 2020 presidential election. I’ve been running across all kinds of comments on sites where the libs are saying Trump destroyed the economy. They think it will help them if they can add mass murderer to the charges.

  2. Tax season should be very interesting when the idiots of state governments and the feds Don’t get the income tax revenue, because they CLOSED DOWN THE ECONOMY!

    Core math you idiots: workers out of work produce how much income tax? Oops, we’re out of other people’s money.

  3. Never let a crisis go to waste, and never pass on the opportunity to make the crisis as bad as you possibly can in a fucked up crooked attempt to further your political goals.

  4. Corona Virus War…
    As long as the dictators from the CDC remain in charge,
    American citizens have lost,
    When the CDC is flushed, we get is left our country back.

  5. Since President Trump is relying heavily on the “scientific” experts, NY and other leftist blue states can prolong th2 Lockdown indefinitely. Apparently, there may be no federal authority to force states to reopen. Cuomo gets to continue reporting these fake Commievirus numbers as long aa he wants. All leftist governors are doing the same. The United States economy victory is over and never will be the same.

  6. We’re about to get a very hard lesson in economics. People tend to think that money is like matter, it cannot be created or destroyed. But a massive amount of a countries wealth can disappear into thin air in a short time.

  7. Why Did New York’s Coronavirus Death Count Just Spike?

    Because liberal, commie, democrat, assholes want the numbers to look as bad as possible.

    ALSO…..libs want to push our buttons as HARD and FAST as they can for the purpose of conservatives looking like the aggressors when WE decide to have an all-out-assault against the pestilence that infects America.

    I am beyond ready…..

  8. Very low standards for accurately recording cause of death on death certificates.

    Allowing it to be manipulated for political reasons, when it’s not just due to incompetence, or real cause just can’t be determined despite best efforts to do so.

  9. @Mithrandir – “New Yorkers are dying, and that’s bad. Or is it?”

    Far cough. My mother in law is in Montefiore Einstein as of this morning for other reasons right now, not whuflu, so suck off and stay in Aman in an Istari based mindset I suppose. Was Gandalf this selfish?? Maybe? He was a leader but he was a survivalist at heart.

    Be ‘torn’, not cruel. Is not, this iOTW, a fifty state wide experience?? Why hate on NY? Been here?? Just an example, the ADK’s are one of the best places you will ever find, Mirkwood everywhere.

    I don’t want a ‘trail’ fight here, I could but I want clarity, people are dying as well as the economy. And the NY economy is a reason that it IS called the Empire State. And now DiCommio is asking for a bail out? Guess who will pay for that…Middle America and Middle Earth!


  10. We hunker in our hovels like mice fearing a soaring hawk.

    But I have thought the hawks are only kites flown by the commies.

    Time to cut their strings and tear them down. If we ever get a chance to vote, again, they must go. Every Tyrannical, colluding incumbent legislator, governor and mayor. Kick them to the street.


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