Why Did They Give Raffensperger A Pass? – IOTW Report

Why Did They Give Raffensperger A Pass?

Connecticut Centinal:
In an interesting development yesterday in the fight against election fraud in Georgia, Real America’s Voice broadcast a video by John Solomon, Amanda Head at Just The News, where the pair gave Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger a free pass on his refusal to deal with election integrity in the state.

15 Comments on Why Did They Give Raffensperger A Pass?

  1. Oh my god Trumps leading in all the battleground states, lets stop counting and find votes for the senile moron. Then when people wake up in the morning we can say the senile idiot is ahead. Yep sounds like a stolen election… right AnonyASS.

  2. I have been concerned about some of the language in Just The News reporting for a while now. They sometimes seem to be pulling punches and using tame language which has been pre-approved for publication by someone else.

    I can’t provide any examples at the moment, and I wouldn’t bore you with them if I could. It’s more of a subjective use of words, or things which make you say “hmmm…” like this Riff Raffensperger pass. And almost all of what they do is solid and honest.

    I don’t think they’ve been bribed, though; I think they’ve been threatened. The Georgia machine is in a corner right now, and a little desperate. And then there’s the matter of Harrison Deal…

  3. ^^^Sad but true.

    A buddy of mine, very conservative, just told me Tuesday that Governor Kemp’s hands were tied and there was nothing in his powers as Governor that he could do about Fani Willis. I asked him where he heard that, and he said Erick Erickson. SMDH

  4. The multi-billion income streams of Conservative, Inc., which is basically a bunch of talking head assholes playacting as patriots, literally depends on allowing the shitlibs to fuck up society, the worse, the better. They don’t want sane governance; never have.

    Just look how the shitlib media is going broke now due to the shitlibs running everything. They got what they wanted, and now the lies are proven hollow. Their own base doesn’t want them now.

    In a country run in a sane and nationalistic manner, Conservative, Inc would go flat broke because people would have REAL lives to lead instead of listening to that loser mindset bullshit.


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