Why did this man get a punch in the eye? – IOTW Report

Why did this man get a punch in the eye?

Well, you’ll just have to click here to find out.

14 Comments on Why did this man get a punch in the eye?

  1. See? SEE?
    A poor black dude just wants to buy a can of beer and gets punched in the face.
    I think the entire NFL should disparage the entire US of A over this maltreatment!

    If there had been a white cop at the scene he’da (the black dude) been shot to death, for sure.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Ever notice the newsies always say “at this time the clerk is not being charged with a crime” or something to that affect. Just once I’d like to hear them say “and the clerk is being awarded the civilian medal for bravery for saving taxpayers a shitload of money”.

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