Why Do Airports Still Play CNN On Their Televisions? – IOTW Report

Why Do Airports Still Play CNN On Their Televisions?

Daily Caller: Given all the indignities that travelers must endure when traversing through the nation’s airports, one would think passengers could avoid having their political convictions openly mocked by the terminal television screens blaring CNN — at least that’s what some are wondering given the network’s ideological shift over the last year.

A Fox News report by Brian Flood highlights there are a number of online petitions asking airports to pick programming a tad less divisive.

Media critics such as Media Research Center Vice President Dan Gainor agree.

“How are airports justifying the idea of bombarding captive viewers with content many of them oppose? Sadly, almost any outlet is fairer now than CNN,” Gainor told Fox News.

CNN shells out big bucks to keep its presence in America’s airports — and to inflate its generally atrocious ratings. MORE

14 Comments on Why Do Airports Still Play CNN On Their Televisions?

  1. Doe’s it seem legal to have this volume programming your head in all Major Hubs of transport no matter if you’re watchig or not ?
    IT’s programming not news as it’s often false or entertainment cloaked as pertinent life news when you need actual News.
    Billion dollar descisiond can happen in the Air, and do !

  2. It’s all about gross impressions; more exposure, more influence. That’s all. CNN pays big bucks for these gross impressions and advertisers thrive off of them. Ask me for more clarification.

  3. Money.

    Funny story, just a little off topic:
    I was at the gym yesterday. Myself and another woman got on the bikes at the same time. Fox News was on. She had the remote. She turned to me and said, “What’s the channel number for MANBC? I can’t stand that Fox News.” Lol. I said, “Really? I like Fox News.”
    Lol!! She looked away from me, clearly embarrassed she had stuck her foot in her mouth. I kept jabbering away the whole time like we were old friends. Even told her to have a nice day when I left.
    Ahhh, liberals. Convinced they’re the only ones out in public.

  4. @Beachmom – they are so surprised, and frustrated, when somebody actually asks them to explain why they think something. Isn’t that what everyone thinks??? Except of course for that handful of haters who elected the evil one. I mean there can’t be many of those, right??? 😉

  5. If Republican activists had any TEETH at all, CNN would have been removed years ago, and libraries would have been forced to dump TIME magazine, The New York Times, and other leftist subscriptions.

  6. I handle it in 2 ways. I either
    put in earbuds and listen to my
    personal entertainment or if
    feeling ornery make comments
    correcting the CNN commies loud
    enough for the other trapped
    victims to hear.

  7. I don’t fly anymore. I’ve told my friends back East to give me 5 days to get there if they actually need me to visit. While it’s a fact that riding a motorcycle that far is more dangerous than flying, at least I get to take responsibility for my own safety rather than putting it in the hands of a bunch of liberals who’ll say, ” OOPS!…Sorry about that…” when the airplane does a face-plant from 30,000 feet.
    Sure, the Airlines and the TSA go to great lengths to make sure that doesn’t happen, but is still does, and the Deep State doesn’t give a crap about YOUR life if they want to take out the guy in the seat next to you.

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