Why do black people have to vote Democrat? – IOTW Report

Why do black people have to vote Democrat?


Just wondering if anyone could explain why it is so important for us, as black people, to vote Democrat.

14 Comments on Why do black people have to vote Democrat?

  1. Could it be that too many black people have been seduced by the proposition that blacks have been victimized and that a primary govt function is to penalize the perceived culprits and supposedly reward the victims who never seem to stop being victims?

  2. The thing with so many government subsidies is not just the lure, but the difficulty in escaping it once you are in. Getting a paying job may take more money out of your pocket than you earn, at least for the short term, and once you lose your ‘benefits’ it is near impossible to get them back.
    That’s regardless of ethnicity or anything. I have a friend who served in Army Airborne, did a lot of black ops, went through the VA PTSD program and is officially fully disabled. So he gets taken care of, has an apartment but he has barely enough to feed himself and can’t afford the cost of electricity for air conditioning in a hot area. And the kicker is that if he finds a job and gets a paycheck of any amount it all goes away. That needs fixing, for everyone.

  3. Without being enslaved on the democrat plantation, they no longer are a victim and become irrelevant. Victims get things that non-victims don’t. Just look at how much attention #metoo and #believe and whatever #victim trending gets. Don’t even need proof. They dindu nuffin and still are still victims. It’s a LOT easier to get ahead doin nuffin rather than working for it. When you’re brought up in a democrat victim culture, you are trained to believe whitey has a leg up on you in every aspect. Regardless of reality, many would rather not achieve and skate thru a substandard socialist life instead of grabbing opportunity to actually make their life better.

    It’s actually pretty sad.

  4. As a group, they are useful idiots, led by the most vile frauds and taught by the most vile leftists.

    White kids, on the other hand, are useful idiots, led by the most vile frauds and taught by the most vile leftists.

  5. Last week I met a guy at the local Jack in the Box who got laid off during the last downturn in the oil industry. He said he’s looking for work, but the salaries he’s being offered are less than he is currently getting from unemployment, which just goes to show that any form of Government subsidy can be entrapping under the right circumstances. He’s still looking, though, and expects to be working again soon.

    Oh – and the guy was White, if that matters.

  6. Government, not the government envisioned by the founders, but, the voracious, self sustaining, giant obomination that rules us now, needs victims in order to survive and grow.
    Every level of government agencies offer some sort of subsidy for something, from banking subsidies to farming subsidies to subsidies to survive.
    The democrat party is the party of big and bigger government.
    Most government employees are democrats, and are just another form of victim, relying on the government for sustenance.
    Government abhors independence.

  7. Nail on the head Dan. Most people – white and black – who are trapped by LBJ’s devious plan to “keep those N…s voting Democrat for the next 200 years” are acting rationally. Although life on the government plantation is pretty miserable, they’d take a huge economic hit and lose a ton of benefits if they were to take an entry level job. My answer to this is to encourage them to take a job which would likely make their lives much better in the long run by letting them keep what they earn without losing any govt payouts for several years (5-10?). Either way taxpayers would be paying for them, so it does’t cost us anything, but gives people a way out of the trap – a chance to learn a skill, develop work habits, and see the value and dignity that comes from an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work. Some percentage of them will get off the dole and go on to live happy, productive lives, which is a vast improvement to where things stand now.


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